Example sentences of "like because [pers pn] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Divisions would like because they are worried about yeah
2 We can not do just as we like because we are limited , or constrained , by ( i ) the amount of money , or capital , we have ; ( ii ) the inventions , or technology , available ; ( iii ) the space , or land , available ; ( iv ) the resources , such as fuel or timber , or existing roads and buildings ; ( v ) the desires of other human beings which may conflict with ours .
3 But he had not been able to show anyone , yet , that he was anything but what his father now was : a rich man who did what he liked because he was King and everyone was polite to him .
4 Winemakers often argue over the question whether Cabernet Sauvignon is universally liked because it is the best red grape variety in the world , or because it is the main ingredient in claret the world 's most widely available red wine .
5 My mother preferred the daily serial , Mrs Dale 's Dairy , which she mocked a little but rather liked because it was about a doctor 's wife .
6 The photographer and author , Daniel Farson , recollects Minton surrounded by sailors and fussing over his latest infatuation as if he were a chorus girl , whilst simultaneously complaining , ‘ I 'm only liked because I 'm rich .
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