Example sentences of "long as he [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 As long as he became rich , it did n't matter .
2 She said she thought it was all right as long as he had squared the matter with his own family .
3 Alistair spent a long time on the covering note to Sixsmith — almost as long as he had spent on Offensive from Quasar 13 .
4 But it was his duty to suffer , if only vicariously , with his people , and as long as he had any strength left he would fulfil his duty as he saw it .
5 The number was useless to him as long as he had no address to go with it .
6 But she was afraid , of her own wild reaction to him , acutely conscious that he would be utterly merciless in taking advantage of it as long as he had no respect for her .
7 You know as long as he had his pint and his food he d he was n't bothered .
8 Peter Rogers , who produced all the movies , told me that he said that as long as he had enough money to keep himself and his mother he was happy .
9 As long as he had her , he could work and make money and perform , which is what he is all about . ’
10 Treated as a wayward child who at the same time was exceedingly precocious , he was considerably indulged as long as he continued to sow confusion in Rommel 's back yard .
11 St Antonino of Florence felt that the professional soldier could not fight in a war the justice of which was not above doubt , nor could he be given absolution as long as he continued to fight in that cause .
12 That 's an issue he 'd surely hold close between the two of them as long as he thought no absolute harm had come of it .
13 In fact Nathaniel had grown into a dissolute of considerable proportions by the time Dowd entered his employ , and could not have cared less what kind of creature Dowd was as long as he procured the right kind of company .
14 Carson said that in theory his own place was within the flood basin , but there had never been any trouble as long as he 'd lived there ; places right on the towpath used to get flooded regularly when the tide was high .
15 As long as he lived , Nizan would never escape from the visceral awareness that death could strike suddenly , unexpectedly in the midst of life , that death threatens everybody and everything , that man is truly mortal .
16 As long as he lived Nizan clung to this fundamentally manichean view of existence .
17 Ivor Stokle said he 'd never forget that night as long as he lived .
18 So , given that he 'd always have to keep a foot in England , if only during the cricket season , and given that as long as he kept a presence here he would be answerable to the Society , he had to face them .
19 Franco , too , knew that as long as he kept the lid of repression screwed tightly down on the Left , his fiercest opponents would never be able to constitute a serious threat .
20 Mosley might talk about the BUF 's racial tolerance as long as he wished .
21 He replied that it did n't matter a damn about that as long as he got the fish on the bank .
22 He took a pride in his job and he did n't mind how many hours he put in as long as he got paid for them .
23 ‘ Then it got a little better and as long as he knew Andre was close by , he felt secure .
24 But after Monaco , a real miracle did occur : Stanley said to forget the rest of the payments to the team — as long as he agreed to stay two seasons more .
25 It was as if poets owed an explanation to the audience for being what they were , to bring creatures apart down to the level of ordinary folks ; as if the poet might be indulged his little failings and eccentricities as long as he allowed himself to be democratically mauled in public by thoughtless questioners or — even worse , much worse — by fellow-poets or by those who had poetic pretensions and who found in ‘ question time ’ an opportunity to assuage their jealousy or seek revenge for their own incompetence and mediocrity .
26 The Emperor spoke to him and said that as long as he did not speak to anyone in that underground place , nothing would happen to him .
27 Let him kick it out as long as he did n't injure himself .
28 As long as he did n't throw stones . ’
29 She followed him everywhere , allowing him to bully and browbeat her for all he was worth just as long as he did n't banish her .
30 ‘ George did n't mind what the fence was made of as long as he did n't have to pay for it ’
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