Example sentences of "long [noun] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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31 D.G. Rossetti did not have a Christian conscience , but he was not immune from a sense of guilt about the long deferment of his marriage to his model and mistress , Lizzy Siddal .
32 Shelley put ten long fingers to his chest and then flipped them up at the ceiling .
33 And still she did not go , but hovered , touching with long fingers along his shelves of vessels , reaching up to rustle the hanging bunches of herbs overhead , keeping only her profile towards him .
34 She leaned back in her chair , raking long fingers through her hair and closing her eyes .
35 He ran long fingers through his straight dark hair while exclaiming impatiently , ‘ It 's a pity you could n't have thought to ask about days off .
36 He ran long fingers through his dark hair in a gesture of extreme exasperation .
37 But the attack , when it came , came from an entirely unexpected quarter , leaving her completely without defence , as in one easy move he thrust his long fingers into her mane of hair and pulled her to him , his mouth silencing the startled cry on her lips .
38 Kate took a long pull on her cigarette and sighed .
39 Aunt Tossie took a long pull at her drink .
40 Dalziel took a long pull at his pint and sighed happily .
41 Mr Beckenham took a long pull at his flask , and then carefully topped it up from the bottle .
42 The long ridge to their left looked particularly bleak and lifeless , the heavy clay sitting solidly in the ridges where the plough had left it months before , no trace of last year 's crop , nothing to indicate that this was good cereal country .
43 And there was the erm there was a top called the window breaker , and it was a special top that had got a long stem on it and a big round like a mushroom , it was like a mushroom almost .
44 Children who live in ‘ insular ’ families are therefore reinforced in their long fights with their parents as this may be the only predictable response they know their parents will provide .
45 For every long contract to which it becomes party there is a matching short , for every dispute with a seller ( though disputes are so rare as virtually never to occur ) there will be an equal dispute with a buyer , and for every case of force majeure in delivery there will be an invoicing back from buyer to LCH and from LCH to seller .
46 Her looks perplex people , and much of her press involves long discussions about them .
47 We had long discussions about whatever we liked , and during term-time Don Cattabianchi would sometimes help us with our homework .
48 This was a need that Pat Bateson , Gabriel Horn and I had hammered out in many long discussions about our imprinting experiments , and which we had tried to meet in practice in the design of the controls we had used in the early 1970s .
49 His mother would become involved in long discussions with him about how she treated them both fairly and then would end up getting angry with his unreasonable attitude .
50 However the US administration appears resigned to long discussions before its target of the reinstatement of a scientifically backed sanitary code for the legal use of growth promoters is achieved .
51 After long discussions in which cyclists ’ opinions of horses were also aired , we agreed that in fact , riders and cyclists have many aims in common : both want traffic-free , cross-country routes .
52 All the Scheme authors are practising teachers , teacher-trainers , or researchers with long experience of their subject and the classroom .
53 This coolness arises in part from fear of the opponents , who have the laws on their side , and partly from the incredulity of men , who do not readily believe in new things until they have had a long experience of them .
54 Under these arrangements most students take special mature matriculation examinations , although a few are admitted on the basis of long experience in their field or professional qualifications .
55 Sam took a long look at her face .
56 Take a good long look at yourself in a mirror , with and without the wrongly-sized items .
57 ‘ There were problems in the past with the way the fund was run , but when I took over a couple of years ago we took a very long look at our accounting system and put matters right .
58 Watching it takes you into the mind of Ramanujan as surely as a long look into his eyes .
59 Cindy gave him a long look through her sunglasses .
60 He frowned at me with a long look in which I read nothing .
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