Example sentences of "follow him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Peter Denny , like his father before him , intended that his son should follow him into the business .
2 However , Barbarossa was still suspicious of the leader of the Guelphs , and when he resolved to go on crusade he ordered that Henry must either follow him to the Holy Land or return to exile in England for a further three years .
3 If the female is ready to spawn she will follow him to the nest .
4 Whereas it used to be assumed that she would follow him around the country and around the world , it is now not uncommon for wives to decide to stay put in order to further their own careers , or so that they do not disrupt their children 's education .
5 Hoomey followed him with a feeling of profound respect , even admiration , his panic soothed , his responsibilities comfortably shifted .
6 I smiled obediently at this never-before-heard witticism , and followed him to a tank of Koi .
7 They followed him to the study because for economy it was the only fire in the house , but he worked through their conversation and did not join it .
8 And we would have seen how her eyes followed him to the door .
9 ‘ Yes , ’ she agreed , and followed him to the table .
10 She followed him to the door ; he got some tools out of the shed and squatted down to unscrew the number plates from his old Renault .
11 Vi jumped to her feet and followed him to the door of the church , wincing in the sweet , cold air .
12 That is a talent that followed him to the Foreign Office and to the Department of Health , where he helped Ken Clarke take on hospital doctors attacking their tales of long hours as ‘ fishermen 's stories ’ .
13 The dog invariably followed him to the door , as if she expected , with each visitor , that her master would be back .
14 A year later his father followed him to the grave .
15 I slipped from my own chair without a word , kicked away the detritus of my previous life which was posing as champagne foil , and followed him to the Gents .
16 She followed him to the gunroom , shouting , while he picked up a tweed coat .
17 He said , ‘ Angie … ’ and she stood aside to let him in , lost for words , then followed him to the kitchen , as if he were showing her the way .
18 Haughtily , she followed him to the door .
19 Numbly , she followed him to the ladder at the back of the yacht , then watched as he ignored it and dived powerfully into the indigo water , his body slicing cleanly with hardly a splash before he struck out with a strong , fast crawl towards the far distant shore .
20 I followed him to the cold lands of the north , and bought dogs and a sledge .
21 ‘ Time to go , ’ he announced abruptly , and Robyn , with a hollow , empty heart , followed him to the car .
22 Faisal followed him to the railings .
23 Lindsey followed him to the desk .
24 She followed him to the lift , terrified of stepping into it with him and finding it empty !
25 She followed him to the third floor , then along the gallery to a closed door .
26 As she followed him to the back of the shop , Sophie remembered with sharp dismay the appointment she had made with Dawn .
27 Sarah followed him up the narrow stairs with her bag , her eyes on his thin , dirty bare legs and ragged trousers .
28 He turned abruptly away and Willie followed him up the lane and back on to the main street .
29 It was said simply and sincerely and Kate followed him up the stairs gladly .
30 Kate followed him up the stairs .
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