Example sentences of "follow by [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One answer was that the riots in 1980 in Bristol followed by others in Toxteth , Moss Side and Handsworth in 1981 and Tottenham , Handsworth and Bristol in 1985 showed that young people could be a very real threat to the social order as well as just a symbolic one .
2 Distribution had the highest price to earnings valuation of 20.1 followed by Components at 19.2 , Application Hardware at 18.8 and Peripherals at 7.3 .
3 The 1989–90 period was marked by initial gravity increase ( up to 100μGal ) at stations near the summit ( June-November 1989 ) followed by decreases of similar magnitude ( November 1989-June 1990 ) .
4 The typically bi-modal career followed by women in Britain over recent decades ( leaving aside the marriage bar which affected older women ) has meant that married women and mothers of any marital status do not fit into structures of occupational pension provision designed for male breadwinners .
5 ‘ Periods of elation followed by bouts of depression .
6 Sufferers from bulimia are prone to eating binges , followed by bouts of self-induced vomiting .
7 Periods of peat accumulation were followed by periods of rapid subsidence in which the peat swamp was submerged and covered with silt or sand .
8 Bingeing triggers behaviours which attempt to ‘ make good ’ the binge , such as vomiting and/or laxative abuse , followed by periods of food deprivation .
9 It is worthy of note , however , that these presidents were all followed by periods of anti-executive backlash .
10 Several years of expansion with free and easy credit conditions , when bank loans and mortgages are freely available at affordable interest rates , are followed by periods of austerity .
11 The ERCs can , if necessary , be followed by periods of vocational training at training centres and colleges which teach the disabled new skills so that they can obtain work again .
12 There are , however , often specific periods of , usually , intense activity , followed by periods of inactivity .
13 Each entry consists of a brief history of the building , followed by accounts of its conservation and that of individual works of art , such as the cleaning of Donatello 's ‘ St John the Baptist ’ in the Frari or the great stained glass window in SS .
14 This was followed by provisions of £846m in 1989 .
15 The Carpentras attack was followed by incidents in Jewish cemeteries elsewhere in France , including one at Clichy-sous-Bois outside Paris on May 13 .
16 These heroic bouts of campaigning would be followed by discussions on aspects of international politics which would last well into the early hours .
17 They are followed by discussions with some of the film-makers .
18 In addition , there will be a series of screenings at the Ikon Gallery of new experimental work , followed by discussions with some of the filmmakers .
19 When I have , on occasion , remarked upon this to other company wives , their reaction has been one of near disbelief , followed by looks of passionate envy .
20 They will be followed by flocks of pintail ducks and greylag geese .
21 These binges were always followed by feelings of guilt and depression .
22 They usually begin with pictures of the occupations of the different months , followed by passages from the Gospels and the liturgical hours from Matins ( and Lauds ) to Vespers and Compline , and completed by miniatures of the life of the Virgin .
23 We may emphasize that they are mingled with and followed by stories of a very different character .
24 This was followed by productions in both New York and East Berlin .
25 A concert was scheduled for Sheffield last night , followed by others in Brighton , Bournemouth , Birmingham , Cardiff , Manchester and London 's Wembley Arena .
26 Originally from St Albans , his first CCG site was at Arderseir , on the Moray Firth , followed by Projects on various sites , including Shetland , and at the Torness Nuclear Power Station site , where he opened site services before moving on to village accommodation .
27 Naturally , Germans are sensitive about war after their own defeat and destruction , followed by decades of division .
28 First we see , in piano , unmistakable dots over ( ex.2b ) , where the theme returns in forte : here we see the crotchets in all instruments , followed by dots over a clear strokes to indicate emphatic forcefulness. similarly gentle descending passage of the first violins .
29 It begins with an historical introduction indicating the origins and development of the subject which is followed by chapters on the preparation of floating Langmuir layers and transferred LB films .
30 Wade 's chapter on electron distribution in boranes and carboranes follows naturally and is followed by chapters on ab initio calculations of boranes ( Buchl and Schleyer ) , skeletal rearrangements in clusters ( Mingos and Wales ) , recently determined borane structures ( Greenwood ) , and electron deficiency aspects of small carboranes ( Onak and Fuller ) .
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