Example sentences of "rather [subord] [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Much emphasis is placed these days on understanding and applying standard practice rather than simply learning it by rote .
2 A final point should be made : sexuality is learnt , rather than simply unfolding .
3 Educators , both from a professional and management position , must become much more involved in developing ( rather than simply operating ) these programmes which could form the basis of a real way forward .
4 The kittens are certainly influenced by what their mother does , but there is no evidence that her action is directed at one specific behaviour , rather than simply providing them with an opportunity to behave generally with the victim .
5 Easy to load and difficult to crash software is vital in a multi-work station class , as it releases the teacher to provide intellectual guidance rather than simply providing the services of a technician .
6 In this context , we may recall that Althusser , rather than simply criticizing the notion of history as a totality as Foucault often tended to do , argued for the rearticulation of different histories within a decentred totality , on the assumption that history can not do without one .
7 Rather than simply criticizing quantitative analysis as a whole , she adapts slightly the standard method of measuring linguistic variables , pointing out that the three variants of ( r ) which can be distinguished ( [ ? ] , [ ? ] and [ ? ] are difficult to place on any rationally motivated social continuum .
8 Moreover it was a complex issue , rather than simply splitting opinion on party lines .
9 Moreover , rather than simply reflecting a stronger relationship between risk and memory at higher levels of risk , the relationship visible in Figure 4.6 actually has both a negative and a positive component .
10 Thus , asking for a shape , given its name , is not a valid way of testing for knowledge of a shape ; it is probably more important to build up pupils ' understanding of similarities and differences between shapes rather than simply teaching their names .
11 The quota , in short , forced some British filmmakers to be realistic about the economic constraints operating in British filmmaking , and to look to what could be achieved within them rather than simply hoping that film budgets could rise on some magic carpet to figures close to those of Hollywood pictures .
12 The correspondence , leaked to Labour 's Trade spokesman , Mr Gordon Brown , discloses for the first time that Lord Young appeared to plan with Professor Roland Smith , chairman of British Aerospace , to hide the figures rather than simply leaving the information to be ‘ scattered ’ in obscure documents in the hope that Parliament would not notice it .
13 This would reinforce their belief in the need to help the latter group of newspapers rather than simply leaving them to market forces .
14 Sixtyone per cent of women sink into a hot bath in order to wind down , half have tried exercising as a means of relieving stress rather than simply getting fit , and one in four has a stiff drink when the going gets tough .
15 Even so , when handling and riding horses , we really need to be able to anticipate their emotions , actions and reactions , rather than simply expecting perfect behaviour and performance from them .
16 Nevertheless , there are grounds for asking whether the measurable distribution of wealth-holding is simply a matter of choice within Britain in comparison with other leading economies , or whether the financial services sector forms the agency which actively determines that distribution rather than simply facilitating it .
17 The tight links between journalists and the flourishing independent label scene , local entrepreneurs and key grass-roots venues meant that they all helped to form tastes rather than simply reacting to them .
18 The central thesis is that " coding creates reality rather than simply reporting it " ; but to suggest that " simple reporting " is how one might normally see coding functioning in relation to reality is to presuppose a very naive view .
19 Second , the technology for cleaning a site , rather than simply sealing it , is still inadequate and expensive .
20 Schregle 's ( 1981 ) approach to this basic problem of what is comparable in cross-national studies is to compare the methods and ways in which particular industrial relations functions are carried out in various countries , rather than simply comparing institutions and procedures carrying the same designation .
21 But rather than simply using this for the purpose of political comment in a static model of the communication process , the rationale behind its retention here is that there are real and important differences between these two groups and their relationships , and work , with the media .
22 Addictive use of any substance or behaviour is seen when the individual uses it in appropriately and compulsively to suppress uncomfortable emotions Or to gain a sense of elation in order to change a disordered mood rather than simply using it for its own sake .
23 The charge that the USA was abusing , rather than simply using , its position , only had weight to the extent that the United States was putting pressure on central banks abroad not to convert more of their dollars into gold .
24 Academic says we need to encourage people to use more facilities rather than simply looking round the University .
25 Try observing these outer images rather than simply seeing them .
26 To build up a more stable relationship , rather than simply seeing how much time the work took and charging by the hour , we have all had to come to terms with pricing in a market , giving a clear idea what the budget will be and taking much more care to explain what we 're charging for .
27 In this market context , competitive advantage hinges on achieving an optimal balance between the efficiency and responsiveness of work organization , rather than simply maximizing scale economies .
28 In this role he was more specifically practical than his novels might suggest , advising Angela Burdett-Coutts to consult with the Board of Health , rather than simply trusting to her architect , in order to ‘ get good sanitary arrangements on the most efficient and simple terms ’ .
29 Rather than simply consuming pop ( which makes clever little references to its commodity status ) we should look to music that consumes US .
30 These need to be grasped if we are to understand him — and so to make use of him , rather than simply dismissing him as an embittered elitist pessimist .
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