Example sentences of "rather [subord] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When I 've seen you play , you seem to regard the fretboard from a horizontal point of view , playing along the strings rather than across the fretboard …
2 One other peculiarity she shared with the four Atlantic states : she had great extra-European interests , though they lay across land frontiers in Asia rather than across the sea .
3 The system also resulted in chants and songs being directed sideways to the rival fans , rather than across the pitch to the other end .
4 I thought it was better going to drama school direct rather than via a university and if you 're going to act I think that 's the way .
5 the engagement of supply teachers by schools direct , rather than via the LEA 's personnel section .
6 Lowden bridges are unusual in two respects : the saddles are split into two sections for optimum intonation on wound and unwound strings , and the strings mount through from the back of the bridge rather than via the old bridge-pin method , which would mean a longer string-changing time .
7 Make says it will sell direct , rather than via the hardware manufacturers with which it has relationships .
8 Along the top of the bank was the Ben Tee path , leading to a stile and wending up by the burn — rather than towards the peak — so I just headed over the dried-out moor for the steady ascent to the summit .
9 Thus , the UK was still a European leader in innovation in the 1950s and 1960s , but perhaps had a bias towards pure science rather than towards the commercial development of technological ideas that will form the next generation of industries .
10 The direction in which the discussion of literature in the Introduction to the Man of Law 's Tale points , however , is towards a comparison of Chaucer 's writing with that of his contemporary John Gower rather than towards the survey of literary genres detached from the accidental circumstances of the identity of authors of specific examples of those genres that we find in fragment VII .
11 Armagnac 's second marriage , to Béatrix de Clermont , tended ( like that of Gaston I of Foix-Béarn to Jeanne of Artois ) to incline him towards northern France and the Capetian or Valois court rather than towards an absentee king-duke of Aquitaine .
12 A view was expressed that merit would have been better attached to the group award , rather than to every individual unit .
13 I want at least five and I just wanted to erm establish that with one or two other people who er presently attend the tourism meetings are invited as required , rather than to every meeting .
14 Some important changes were made to maintenance arrangements , whereby locomotives became attached first and foremost to specific traffic flows rather than to a defined geographical area .
15 The placebo effect means that any treatment will improve a patient merely because he wants to recover and is responding to the clinician 's attempts to help rather than to a specific treatment .
16 Yes , she would go into the country rather than to a seaside resort , for they were full of old , retired , ill-tempered people and had she not had her full share of that ?
17 Opposition was likely to be stronger where children were transferred to another small school rather than to a larger school .
18 ‘ That 's why her style is better suited to a Policy Unit that is hers rather than to a CPRS which serves the Cabinet . ’
19 And if skills associated with the new technology are specific to a particular occupation rather than to a firm , why should either employer or employee prefer a long-term contract with one employer rather than a consultancy contract for a particular piece of work ?
20 If this is so , then the directors of a company would continue to be accountable to a share price rather than to a body of committed stakeholders .
21 This can be seen in the attitude adopted towards Nissan , Toyota and Honda , although the ‘ national solution approach ’ prevailed in the sale of Rover to British Aerospace rather than to a US multinational .
22 Fifteen years later , it became obvious that Lord Sagramoso was seducing the hereditary lords of neighbouring star systems — mainly agricultural ones — to turn preachers into compost and swear fealty to him rather than to a deity thirty thousand light years distant .
23 The restatement holds that no identical systems will emerge , and that the convergence of industrial societies is towards a range of alternatives rather than to a particular point .
24 The accredited representatives of foreign States participating in the investigation should be attached to him rather than to a particular group , so that they have a complete appreciation of the whole picture .
25 For the first time in the history of the Beaubourg , the presidency has gone to a representative of the museum world , rather than to a high-ranking official from the Ministry of Culture .
26 Royalties ( 7–10% of the purchase price ) go to the Charity , rather than to a commercial firm .
27 For the first time since Hugh Schonfield 's Passover Plot in 1963 , certain questions pertaining to the New Testament , to Jesus and to the origins of Christianity , were raised to the general reading public — to the so-called ‘ mass market ’ , rather than to a cadre of academic specialists and theologians .
28 The contractor is obviously more likely to offer them to someone he knows and likes rather than to a stranger .
29 For many of the physical science students , the term ‘ physical science ’ referred to the specific course rather than to a wider discipline ; I therefore reserve many of their comments for a later section .
30 ‘ How many patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia have been discharged in the last year to a hostel or shelter rather than to a home of their own ? ’
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