Example sentences of "rather [conj] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 In Germany interest groups like to present their views as the product of exhaustive research rather than of a distinctive philosophy .
2 Again the victim of affliction protests his own innocence , but in this case at the expense of a mischievous spirit rather than of a person .
3 In Derrida 's writing the science of semiology is replaced by grammatology which , as he says , takes the form of a question rather than of a new science .
4 Peter Schmidt of the Stiftung Wissenschaft Politik at Ebenhausen , a leading expert on European defence and security issues , has identified the formulation of a Common Foreign and Security policy as the product of a ‘ top-down approach ’ which ‘ regards the political union of Western Europe within the framework of the EC as an end in itself ’ , rather than of a ‘ functional or horizontal approach ’ which ‘ asks in a practical way which defence functions can and should be handled in a Western European framework , which ones can remain attached to existing defence arrangements — above all that means Nato — and which ones can stay at the disposal of nation states ’ .
5 Yet when people think of lighting they mostly think of lights or lamps — the actual fittings — rather than of a flexible medium , just like heat , which can be manipulated by the flick of a switch or a turn of a dimmer .
6 The rise in the share of transfers ( pensions , dole , etc. ) also probably took the form ( as it did over the period as a whole ; see chapter 9 ) of an extension of coverage of schemes rather than of a growth in real value in excess of productivity .
7 That is why we think it better the change in the community should be of an evolutionary rather than of a revolutionary kind .
8 John Osborne 's Look Back in Anger was presented in a new production in 1989 as a study of a failed marriage rather than of the playwright 's early ideological concerns .
9 This was to be achieved through fascination with base material ( excrement , big toes , freaks , anything that highminded principles and good taste decreed lowly ) ; through an obsessional interest in ritual and religiosity , a pagan celebration of the moment rather than investment in a scheme of forward planning and providence , a pagan worship of the icon-in-all-its-materiality rather than of the Essence .
10 A similar state of affairs had existed only at the very dawn of coinage when , in a number of areas including Asia Minor or Athens , a variety of personal designs had appeared , perhaps implying that for a short time after its inception coinage was sometimes produced on the authority of prominent individuals rather than of the state .
11 The British position had been to press for intergovernmental co-operation on foreign , security and judicial matters ( outside the European Community as such ) and to emphasise the deepening of the democracy of the national parliaments of the Member States rather than of the European Parliament itself .
12 They therefore adopted the view that faith was not a work because it was an act of God rather than of the human person .
13 In the twelfth century marriages were generally arranged by parents , guardians or overlords , so this move was quite normal for the time , marriages being primarily matters of finance or territory , rather than of the heart .
14 He frowned as he strode along , thudding his staff on the ground at every stride , but still it was the loss of the sack rather than of the children that seemed to be the cause of his anger .
15 His insistence as a public examiner that men who aspired to become Bachelors or Doctors of Divinity should show knowledge of the Scriptures rather than of the commentators made him unpopular with the Friars .
16 While sanctification was essentially a work of God 's grace rather than of the human will , it was believed that the process could be assisted by the discipline imposed by the church .
17 Indeed , one empirical reason why a certain category within a Montague grammar should be basic may be precisely a high pragmatic probability of its isolated use in fruitful exchanges : here the grammar of conversation rather than of the sentence may become crucial .
18 But once that is an essential step in the explanation , we no longer need the biological element in the explanation ( of the prohibition , that is to say , rather than of the inhibition ) .
19 His approach to teaching was irrevocably pragmatic , reminiscent rather of that tradition of apprenticeship , which had dominated art until the 19th century , rather than of the semi-academicised inculcation of self-expression , which had prevailed ever since .
20 At the same time , many critics show notable preference for stories with a moral conclusion over those which seem to offer simple entertainment ; and any critic who looks at a book from the angle of the potential reader rather than of the book itself is in danger of being tempted by false hierarchies .
21 If Chung 's studio recording with Kondrashin on Decca tended to lack impetus — the fault of the conductor rather than of the soloist — this one sustains spacious speeds very persuasively indeed .
22 With much of the labour flow into industry permanent , rather than of the temporary migrant pattern common in the prewar years , the population structure of many rural areas is distorted , with most agricultural work carried out by the elderly , women and children .
23 Since clerics had been essentially servants of the Crown rather than of the Church , the change may not be thought to have made much difference .
24 On this point , however , he did not follow her , for he clearly took her to be complaining of the endemic tediousness of all lectures , rather than of the inadequacy of this particular lot : he equally clearly did not wholly concede the point , for he said , faintly , falsely , without enthusiasm , " Oh yes , I suppose they were .
25 However , formative uses of criterion-referencing , given for diagnostic purposes for example , and at the convenience of the teacher rather than of the scheme , may be very valuable in a classroom .
26 In contemporary Caucasian rugs the name is an indication of quality or design , rather than of the place of origin .
27 Furthermore , as cogently argued by Finkelstein ( 1980 ) , Goffman , in borrowing the concept of stigma from ancient Greece , where it referred to ‘ a bodily sign … cut or burned into the body and advertising that the bearer was a slave ’ ( Goffman , 1963 , p. 19 ) chooses to interpret its meaning as one of ‘ blemish and ritual pollution ’ rather than of the power and inequality which allowed one person to be a slaveholder and compelled another to be a slave .
28 The failure to arrive at any detailed results is a reflection of the complexity of the issues involved rather than of the failure of the protagonists of the human capital theory to recognise the problem .
29 Like thematic structure , information structure is a feature of the context rather than of the language system as such .
30 Such excess were no doubt the responsibility of her courtiers or producers rather than of the Queen herself , but they became associated with her .
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