Example sentences of "rather [conj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Following the defeat of the dump plan for Ovens , local residents began a campaign to force Raybestos to use a safe alternative raw material rather than asbestos in the factory .
2 1/ The author is making the point that there is no benefit for people in spending huge amounts of money creating something which has no practical use , and that this money would be far better allocated to essentials ie housing , food , water etc rather than luxuries like T.V.s , videos etc .
3 The idea is to ensure that users , via Xtra , and the work groups , focus their efforts on real , achievable goals , rather than flights of fancy ( remember the calls for graphical user interface standards in 1990 ) .
4 A further refinement is that the Secretary of State ( through a panel of inspectors ) conducts an examination in public into the proposals , rather than adjudicates on objections in an appeal system .
5 He said Labour 's proposed end to support for the closed shop , rather than evidence of a changed attitude to Europe , was a piece of clever opportunism to get the party where it wanted to be .
6 the very existence of any examination at 16+ ( whether GCE , CSE or a unified examination or examination system ) as opposed to a series of assessments at the right stage of development for the individual pupil is questionable because firstly sixteen has already ceased to be the date for leaving education for the majority of pupils , secondly employers look increasingly to school recommendations , college course experience , and examination expectations rather than evidence of ‘ O ’ Level/CSE achievements , and thirdly the Universities and Higher Education look for and stipulate ‘ A ’ Level achievements rather than ‘ O ’ Level evidence .
7 However , these resemblances are probably ‘ convergences ’ , similarities acquired as the result of similar needs rather than evidence of a direct connection with true primates .
8 Thus local styles which bear some slight resemblance to a powerful foreign prototype may be written down as debased plagiarisms and classified as ‘ degenerate ’ forms or ‘ skeuomorphs ’ , rather than evidence of an indigenous tradition with its own distinct characteristics .
9 They are concerned with purchasing care which promotes health rather than management of ill-health facilities .
10 Is power disguised as stemming from the organisation rather than management at Burger King ?
11 Usually , colours rather than shades of grey would be used .
12 I 'd like to read some discussion on this view rather than allusions to this idyllic England of yore .
13 Examples from schools who have acquired microcomputers for their libraries will be used as sources of inspiration rather than documents to be copied verbatim .
14 Lloyd George received a hero 's welcome wherever he went , but then so did Churchill in 1945 , and it is impossible to tell now whether Lloyd George would have fared so well if he had had Liberals rather than Unionists at his back .
15 Its members serviceable rather than specialists in this particular early 17th century idiom .
16 In addition , since it is probable that alcohol produces liver damage by a number of different mechanisms , any explanation for a genetic predisposition to cirrhosis is likely to involve several genes , rather than variation at a single locus .
17 Research is currently being driven by the need to reduce pollution rather than fears of immediate oil shortage .
18 Such ‘ incorrect ’ utterances seem to reflect the child 's search for underlying order in language , rather than reinforcement by adults .
19 From this perspective , Durkheim enabled us to see how different social structures ( rather than systems of production ) ‘ generate ’ , as we would now say , distinctive patterns of belief .
20 But how far have the changes in child care law embodied in the Children Act 1989 , with its focus on the paramountcy of the child 's welfare ( as a means to the child 's better protection ) , and the increasing emphasis which has been placed on parental responsibility rather than rights by the courts in recent years , been mirrored by changes in the balance of power between parent , child and state in education ?
21 Doug winds this invisible gladiator in by bitter degrees , inches rather than feet at a time .
22 Heart [ leb ] here signifies the seat of thought , not emotion , so is more akin to ‘ mind ’ ; hence , to labour the analogy somewhat , law is written into identity and consciousness rather than heart in the modern sense .
23 Leaving the ever-increasing fitness demands on players aside , the chief weakness of the Sicily schedule was that it mixed a pool-based round-robin format , which creates a precise and fair hierarchy , with a league system , which reshuffles the pack and can end up rewarding skilful planning rather than success on the field , before finally moving to a knock-out format .
24 Those who are qualified in Medicine and who are seeking further professional training rather than studies for a postgraduate degree should write to the Postgraduate Dean at the Lister Postgraduate Institute , Hill Square , Edinburgh EH8 9DR .
25 Yet , increasingly , arguments about the effects of privatisation on the state 's finances , rather than discussion about the appropriate role of the state , have come to the fore as the revenue gained from asset sales has become sizeable .
26 Do they hold it in an unusual position-to the side rather than full-square to the eyes ?
27 Natural history had been based in the museum , and in the field ; but the newer science of biology , named by a Frenchman and a German and prominently pursued by these two nations , became increasingly a laboratory science with experiment rather than description as the key .
28 It focusses on small-scale interaction rather than society as a whole .
29 Marxists see both state and law as operating in the interests of the ruling class rather than society as a whole .
30 Although creeks are thought to be largely areas of non-deposition rather than areas of erosion , the scour of the tide along them may cause some lateral erosion and water draining at times of very high tides from areas behind the zone of creeks may plunge into the heads of the creeks and so cause a certain amount of headward erosion .
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