Example sentences of "fact that in the " in BNC.

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1 Setting out Labour 's case for international co-operation to strengthen world security and combat environmental degradation , Mr Kinnock said : ‘ It is an argument for global citizenship — a recognition of the fact that in the world now and for the future , passive co-existence is not enough .
2 More important , however , is the central fact that in the elevation of the place of the gens in their system , they consummated the fatal union between what we have called their rhetorical and their historical use of anthropology .
3 The fact that in the whole of South West Ireland there was not sufficient labour to man a new United Motors plant was not seen by the Minister as any kind of problem ; simply as a little local difficulty .
4 This ( combined with the fact that in the great majority of branches one has to find tutors who possess cars on account of the very poor public services ) multiplies the difficulty of providing the Branch with the class they desire …
5 In his well-known book Feudal Society , the historian Marc Bloch has laid particular emphasis on the fact that in the Middle Ages men found it difficult to appreciate the significance of time because they were so ill-equipped to measure it .
6 Both of them could attribute their popularity to the fact that in the old days , when opening hours were not so well controlled , they stayed open longer than others , with the result that patrons of The Cock and The Bull were usually the most tipsy .
7 This may be partly due to the fact that in the UK , young parents of today are less aware of the seriousness of some of the diseases as Sieving ( 1988 ) points out in her discussion of the ravages of measles in developing countries .
8 The fact that in the event the volume of training proved insufficient , relates ( as I shall argue later ) to the whole issue of priorities in teacher education and to the relationship between expectations in curriculum reform and means available .
9 But in his eagerness to demonstrate how wonderful the scheme was , he let drop the fact that in the event of his death Karen would inherit not only the house , fully paid-off under the terms of their endowment mortgage , but also a lump sum amounting to almost half a million pounds .
10 Their assigned role is best exemplified by the fact that in the 1992 World Cup in Australia , the bowling side was afforded the advantage of two white new balls .
11 Not much has been made of this migration , some ethnic tension apart , and even less of the fact that in the years since the second world war it has been essential for western European economic life .
12 If hesitating between a peach and a pear you languidly inspect sniff and fondle the fruit before deciding for the pear , and eat it slowly with a look of bliss , no one who has left behind the absolutism of childhood ( ‘ Anyone can see that a peach is nicer than a pear ’ ) will doubt that you made the best possible choice between the flavours ; the rightness of the choice , and the objective fact that in the fullest awareness of the two flavours you were spontaneously moved to take the pear , are two sides of the same coin .
13 The total drop in the audit fee of £0.7m is made more dramatic because of the fact that in the previous year the audit fee covered a 15-month period .
14 The first is that the absence of a systematic theology of redemption was simply due to the fact that in the early church no great disputes had yet arisen about it .
15 This may have been no shattering revelation for any man to make if it had n't been for the fact that in the hot steamy summer of ‘ 89 Lowe got himself laid by two girls in Atlanta , Georgia .
16 The twin starting points for this view are the widespread injustice and oppression which exist today in Latin America and which are then analysed sociologically with a Marxist framework , together with the fact that in the Incarnation God has declared his intention to liberate all people from every kind of slavery and injustice .
17 What has so far prevented them from becoming assimilated to each other is not only the fact that in the field of psychotherapy , differing theories do not readily and happily intermix , but that each theory tends to take sides ( without this necessarily being apparent ) in the eternal dialogue between youth and age .
18 THERE are horror movies and there are Japanese horror movies and without being remotely racist it is a proven fact that in the Land of the Rising Sun they like their severed limbs , blood and gore with knobs on .
19 It ignores the fact that in the late nineteenth-century individualism was a driving force and yet paradoxically collective care was also valued , hence the building of large institutions and hospitals ( Dalley , 1988 ) .
20 The difference with Burton came from the scale on which he did it , the talents he gambled , the colossal winnings , the rupturing losses , the public glare in which increasingly it took place and the undeniable fact that in the middle of this maelstrom was always a quiet , reading man whom Cis would have recognised with relief as the boy sitting beside the fire , buried in a book .
21 a , Data recording the per cent of lymphocytes damaged over time does not take into account the fact that in the period immediately after radiotherapy , the peripheral lymphocyte count in the majority of patients falls .
22 One of the chief reasons for believing that heterostracans were fossil relatives of hagfishes ( Fig. 2 A , b ) centred on the fact that in the modern hagfish , Myxine , and heterostracans there is a single external branchial opening emptying from several internal gill pouches .
23 The convenience of the deal is underlined by the fact that in the US , Sun shares 40% of Novell 's platinum and gold reseller channel in any case .
24 The natural-entity theory thus legitimated the fact that in the large public company , as we shall see , the shareholders no longer controlled corporate management , so that control as well as management came to be separated from ownership .
25 The fact that in the end we were the only ones to organise our own conference was something of a surprise , as were the vast numbers of participants we attracted , far beyond all expectations .
26 At the same time she could n't help but wonder about the fact that in the space of twelve months he had been involved in three relationships , Anna Wallace , Amanda Knatchbull and herself , any one of which could have ended in marriage .
27 The fact that in the lower orders the convex or concave condition is constant for individual veins helps in determining their homologies .
28 Thus , the fact that in the UK parts of the City control parts of manufacturing industry , and that within firms ( and also between them ) there are hierarchical divisions of labour , between levels of management , for instance , or between management and the shop-floor , or between professional/scientific workers and manual workers , or between sectors , means that there is inequality structured into the division of labour .
29 Class remains synonymous with organized labour , regardless of the fact that in the context of local authorities organized labour is not always very radical .
30 Apart from the fact that in the Fearon case the residence requirement was not coupled with a nationality requirement , that case can be distinguished on several counts .
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