Example sentences of "most of the other " in BNC.

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1 By this stage of a stall , very often the noise of the airflow will have increased because of the yawing movement , and most of the other symptoms will either be absent or will go unnoticed in the moments of panic .
2 Most of the other simulations of accidental stalling involve almost unrealistic handling of the aircraft , and are therefore not very convincing , although they may result in a rather more violent wing-drop .
3 Most of the other pups were ‘ shipped out ’ to other units and their respective fates are unknown , but Dave and his mates — two others based with Dave at RAOC/EFI Headquarters at Claygate , Surrey , and five more still stationed in Germany — were determined to hand onto their new recruit .
4 Most of the other peasants were poor , but almost as deferential to the Soviet as the old men who bowed to Yakovlev along the road .
5 The initial word ‘ everyone ’ in Article 25 ( and in most of the other Articles ) — however illogically linked with ‘ his family ’ — contains the same fallacy as ‘ all men ’ in the Declaration of 1776 : ‘ rights ’ are not an attribute of individuals but a description of societies .
6 A party supporting the government , yet differing from most of the other members of it in one specific particular : its opposition to the tariff .
7 I imagine the royal visitor , and indeed most of the other guests , found the even a welcome change from the same old banquet menus !
8 However , most of the other members saw the social charter as a necessary counter-balance .
9 Unlike most of the other 2,000 pension funds then operating in America , the GM fund did not principally invest in the company 's own shares nor limit itself to fixed-income securities .
10 Both still have close ties to Poland 's old Communist Party , as do most of the other top 100 .
11 Coromandel Travel ( 081–995 3642 ) tailor-makes packages to quieter resorts in Bali — and to most of the other Indonesian islands .
12 Nicky finds himself in Brooklyn where most of the other Puerto Ricans live .
13 I move to sit by Darren Parker , but Simon Singh gets there first and most of the other seats are taken by now .
14 Most of the other people who lived in the street were professionals , a doctor , two more lawyers , a manager .
15 Most of the other rooms in the house were empty .
16 Most of the other boys left him alone .
17 The walls of the mill , in contrast with Ebley and most of the other large mills of the area , were made of brick .
18 They were joined , like most of the other foreign armies that came to Lebanon , by a retinue of Lebanese acolytes , of leftist militiamen and Lebanese Baath party functionaries , all of them desperate to explain how delighted they were that the peace-loving Syrians had arrived to save their country .
19 Beatty had a good five-year head-start on him , and most of the other male leads with whom they would both be compared in the forthcoming age of the anti-hero .
20 Now , while it would be rash to claim that cochliomyasis ( infestation with the ‘ screw worm fly ’ ) was never sexually transmitted , like most of the other arthropod-linked disorders , such an occurrence must be exceedingly uncommon .
21 His voracious and informed interest in the arts , not only ballet but plays , books , music , painting , also set him apart from most of the other students .
22 Most of the other dancers in the company were straight from school , some of them taking leading parts while only about fifteen .
23 Most of the other mourners were listening to this with the same rapt attention they might have accorded a vaguely accurate account of Donald 's life .
24 A curious mixture of shade , energy and colour , it transcended most of the other material on the album because it contained one of the group 's main strengths — a great chorus .
25 Caroline Spry , the Channel 4 commissioning editor responsible for series like Out on Tuesday and Women Call the Shots , thinks it 's no longer possible to use the word in its old sense any more ; most of the other women I spoke to agreed with her .
26 Jitka , being the oldest was already in her own single bed , and the other two made the most of the other single with one at each end .
27 Most of the other job losses were in support and supervisory staff .
28 Like most of the other contributors to this section , Gatrell and Vincent see decision support systems as a major area for future development in the geographic information management field .
29 And most of the other wordings discussed have no sense of ‘ request ’ about them at all .
30 McElroy 's job — and that of most of the other 1100 people who work for NESDIS — would disappear if he discovers that firms are willing to take over .
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