Example sentences of "most of they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Of his early paintings little is known , as he destroyed most of them between 1941 and 1944 , although as early as 1934 a crucifixion exhibited in a Curzon Street basement was singled out for praise by the critic Herbert Read .
2 Over one hundred Quakers died in prison in the 1680s , most of them during the harsh winter of 1683 – 4 , and at least 450 Quakers appear to have died for their sufferings during the Restoration period .
3 The overall search for new antimalarial agents involved the screening of some 16,000 compounds , most of them for both suppressive and prophylactic activity against several avian malarias , plus a thorough study of the toxicology and pharmacology of many of the preparations in lower animals .
4 Chris Webb reported a quiet year for the planning committee , with only 78 applications , most of them for extensions , alterations and change of use , although it had included plans for low cost housing .
5 Seventy boys and girls from U6 to U14 played rugby — most of them for the first time ever .
6 He had known most of them for half a lifetime .
7 Inmos is expected to sell about 280,000 Transputers this year , most of them for embedded applications .
8 In any given year there may be 120,000 or 130,000 elections held , most of them for local school boards .
9 The US citizen 's historic right to bear arms , for example , is thought by most of them to be both outdated and counter-productive , yet it was taken by the founding fathers to be ‘ self-evident ’ , inherently the due of human beings .
10 But the centres which were the linchpin of the movement were criticized both for erring too much on the side of prevention — tackling such issues as racism , poverty and education in the communities served , and for doing too little prevention , this arising from the affiliation of most of them to general and mental hospitals .
11 There are several of those ancient fortified lake dwellings , which we call crannogs , most of them to be found in the northern half of the island , some of them in lochs well up into the hills .
12 A logical consideration of the alternatives quickly enables most of them to be eliminated .
13 A sensible quarter of an hour later , the teachers began to trek home , most of them to bachelor quarters of various degrees of chastity .
14 Anagnostopoulos announced on July 1 that a speedy investigation into the allegations had been completed and had found most of them to be completely unfounded .
15 The London amendment adds another 11 chemicals to the list ; most of them to be banned outright by the year 2000 [ see ED 35/36 ] .
16 well , well thank Mr very much , if you , if you could , I can accommodate Mr at any reasonable time tomorrow , erm , but although he may say he 's only got , he only wants to rest for a quarter of an hour d'your , as you gather from the interchange from the bench , that 's er , that will be the very minimum and I may well have questions to ask him , although I hope I 'd asked most of them to Mr , so , erm , but I 'm , I 'm I think for everybody 's convenience it , erm , unless he 's got a specific time he could deal with , we either start say at eleven thirty , when Mr can be here or at two , erm , but if he 's got some other clever idea I 'm perfectly prepared to entertain him , but er we ca n't leave this hanging around , I 've got ta write this and whichever way it goes we 've got ta look at it again , er and although I suppose I 'm not entirely unheard of and I disappear to the court of appeal next term it 's gon na make things extremely awkward to try and arrange anything else next term , cos I 've got two other judges to bear in mind as well as myself
17 It could be said that some sort of crisis was going to force itself up in the life of a strongly emotional young man who was so strictly engaged in compartmentalizing his life : a father who was never meant to know about Janie Moore ; Minto herself cut off from college ; almost all his friends kept in darkness about his emotional history , and most of them at this period unaware of his religious interests ; pupils who were discussing with him the things he cared about most — books — but in a fashion which prevented his strength of feeling breaking through .
18 The six sections of that car were allocated to twelve assorted actors and crew , most of them at that point reading , talking or fast asleep .
19 Since 1985 , Heidrick and Struggles in London has more than tripled its number of consultants — from five to fifteen — most of them at first new to search and comparatively young .
20 At the target range in Van Nuys , a lower middle-class white suburb in the Valley , north of Central Los Angeles , I saw a dozen people line up early in the morning to take target practice with hand-guns , shooting at targets shaped like men — most of them at 25 paces : ‘ the most common range for street warfare , ’ as one man there put it .
21 Owing to the successes in constituencies previously thought unlikely prospects , where many of the candidates were young middle-class aspirants , the character of the party changed and the proportion of trade union nominees , most of them at least in late middle age , declined .
22 Ten thousand workers at GCHQ , the Government 's secret intelligence gathering centre , most of them at Cheltenham in Gloucestershire have been banned from trade union membership for 10 years .
23 Ten thousand workers at GCHQ , the Government 's secret intelligence gathering centre , most of them at Cheltenham in Gloucestershire have been banned from trade union membership for 10 years .
24 Most of them on finding their symptoms gone see little point in either remembering their daily dose or for that matter paying out money for more medicine when they feel well .
25 We have met many A&R men but we felt we could not talk to most of them on any sensible basis , ’ says Gedge .
26 These shepherds live wild , most of them on the same mountain just outside Florence , in abandoned houses which often have no light or running water .
27 Although subjected to heavy pressure from abolitionists , most of them on their own benches , the Labour Government had avoided giving any commitment on the future of the death penalty .
28 Many spectators had squatted on the dunes surrounding the 6th , most of them on the Maiden itself .
29 Do you have to go quite far away to see all these things or could you see most of them on Shapinsay ?
30 Most of them on Shapinsay .
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