Example sentences of "most [prep] us would " in BNC.

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1 Figure 3.1 shows that if we go to bed at the ‘ normal ’ time we sleep about eight hours , a result that most of us would accept as part of our daily experience .
2 Most of us would probably start off growing pelargoniums in a soilless compost but Hazel reports that they 're actually much easier to grow well in a loam-based compost .
3 If pressed , most of us would say that he deepened our understanding of human nature , and that he made us aware that the mind of Man is complex and contradictory .
4 In the American state of California , people have a life-style which most of us would envy .
5 In the terms of the old philosophical dilemma , most of us would save the endangered baby from the house before we 'd save the Mona Lisa — even if the baby were far more likely to grow up an art thief than another Michelangelo or Da Vinci !
6 And without being alarmist , most of us would like to know more about the effect of years of chemical bombardment on our bodies .
7 Most of us would strongly reject any such idea — yet the image of Eve has exercised a powerful influence on the way women have traditionally been regarded .
8 It is a subject most of us would prefer not to think about .
9 Most of us would agree with any condemnation of such conduct .
10 But most of us would find that difficult .
11 Most of us would prefer when ill or very elderly to be looked after by those we know and love rather than taken to a strange and unfamiliar place .
12 Most of us would pay lip service to the message of chapter 3 , that the clue to true beauty is to be found in personality and character .
13 We may have some desire to be appreciated for our physical appearance , but most of us would hope to be desired for what we are down inside .
14 Logically most of us would agree that it must be better had these unfortunate beings not been born , than to suffer and die so needlessly .
15 This is such a horrifying thought that most of us would rather not think about it .
16 I do n't think he realised learning the facts of life was precisely what most of us would do if we stopped demonstrating and went back to bed .
17 But most of us would probably eschew the ostentatious and eccentric , and settle for an honest and straightforward run of bindings that have a plain tale to tell of their place and time .
18 Outmoded this view might be , but most of us would still prefer to try on new clothes , wax hair off our legs , perform our ablutions or put on make-up in private .
19 After all , if the self is felt to be nothing , any strategy adopted to enhance or promote it , desperate though it may be , is a step towards what most of us would consider to be health , and an action necessary for survival .
20 In normal adult life most of us would feel insulted and demeaned if the basic value we had as human beings was described by the kind of functional assessments that have been discussed .
21 Even Bleuler himself considered what most of us would now recognise as a truism : that ‘ autism ’ is a feature of normal mental life , accounting for the emergence , or in some cases deliberate exploration , of ideas that arise without logic from unconscious layers of the mind .
22 Whatever its form , most of us would never court it .
23 ( Most of us would kill for hair like that , Belinda ! )
24 Given the choice , most of us would rather eat a choccy bar than a stick of celery , but good eating habits will pay dividends .
25 While most of us would acknowledge that some level of stress is required to enable us to function and to be sufficiently motivated , the effects of continued high levels of stress have been shown to have a damaging effect on the ability to maintain our personal sense of purpose , usefulness and well-being .
26 While most of us would admit to having hurt another person deliberately , we recoil in horror from the thought of subjecting someone to extreme pain for impersonal reasons .
27 Although one may from time to time admire people who hazard their entire company on one major throw , it has to be a risk that for most of us would be , hopefully , both an unnecessary one and certainly an undesirable one .
28 Most of us would probably panic , think catastrophic thoughts , breathe rapidly , run away to a safe place , call out the doctor , and make a will .
29 After all , while most of us would condemn escapism as a total way of life , our capacity to use our imaginations to construct alternative worlds into which we can temporarily retreat is certainly a central human characteristic and seems , on the whole , a valuable one .
30 Perhaps , as most of us would assume , it can all be explained by inadequate statistics , faulty experimental design , overenthusiastic interpretation of ambiguous results , or , as I have argued in the case of Ungar 's experiment , misinterpreting the biochemical and pharmacological consequences of stress or other , rather non-specific aspects of behaviour .
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