Example sentences of "other [pers pn] is [art] " in BNC.

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1 The hypothesis is advanced that for one set of parents the baptism is a religious ritual , whereas for the other it is a social one .
2 To one person this is an amusing fantasy , worth mentioning at the breakfast table , perhaps , but little more than that ; to the other it is a horrific nightmare which lingers in the memory for days .
3 As Lord Diplock pointed out in 1981 , on the one hand it constitutes ‘ a major invasion of privacy ’ , while on the other it is an important weapon available to the police and the security services , whose business it is to maintain law and order and protect national security .
4 On the one hand it is nothing and asks for nothing , on the other it is the secret and silent source of the destruction of everything .
5 On the one hand it makes no demands , he wrote , on the other it is the vitriol which corrodes everything with which it comes into contact , the Gorgon which turns to stone all who gaze upon it .
6 To some people the fox is the worst type of vermin ; to others it is a gentle creature that has been much maligned .
7 But to many others it is a way of life with roots so deep in the national culture that any government at all respectful of individual liberty would be politically reckless to try to pull them up .
8 For others it is a challenge to be relished .
9 For some it means a learning pack containing a work book , audio cassette and video tape ; for others it is a technology that combines audio , television , computers and telecommunications .
10 For Sidgwick and for some modern utilitarians ( such as J.J.C. Smart ) recognition of this reduces conflict between utilitarianism and ordinary moral common sense , but for others it is a symptom of a kind of bad faith which is endemic to utilitarianism .
11 In some societies , sex is a simple source of pleasure , a key to the glorification of the erotic arts , in others it is a source of danger and taboo , of mortification of the flesh .
12 The latter is in some cases subject to statutory regulation , in others it is a matter of local discretion .
13 To others it is a new experience in a country rich in religious history .
14 Desirable , that is , only to seekers after adventure ; to the majority of others it is the last place on earth deserving a visit .
15 In sexual matters as in most others it is the source of help which is rejected — or deceived — rather than the help itself .
16 Just what this wondrous new jargon phrase means is a considerable mystery to many yet to others it is the best thing to happen on a micro .
17 But realism itself is just a matter of convention ; for some people it is the defamiliarized codes which seem realistic , whereas for others it is the traditional devices which convey a sense of reality , and no one device is inherently more realistic than another .
18 For some , Satan is a person ; for others he is the force of evil ; for yet others he does not exist — except , perhaps , in people 's minds .
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