Example sentences of "mr [noun] ' [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 According to security sources in Dublin yesterday , the absence of two key witnesses had effectively determined Mr Barnes ' decision not to press charges under the 1976 Criminal Law Jurisdiction Act , which allows for prosecution in the Republic for offences allegedly committed in Britain and Northern Ireland .
32 At Mr Barnes ' request further inquiries into the case have also been made by the Irish Garda .
33 Mr Morris ' solicitor has taken up the case .
34 Recording an open verdict on Mr Venables ' death , Mr Johnson said at an inquest yesterday : ‘ Anyone contemplating taking ecstasy should read and re-read the terrible and agonizing way in which Andrew Venables met his death and say ‘ this fate could befall me ’ . ’
35 Mr Heslop was replying to evidence supporting Mr Venables ' attempt to continue an injunction preventing his removal from Spurs pending the hearing of his Companies Court plea for the right to buy out Mr Sugar 's 47.8pc holding in the club .
36 Mr Heslop said there was no evidence to support Mr Venables ' claim that Mr Sugar had agreed there should be a ‘ balanced board ’ to protect his position ; or that Mr Sugar had agreed to be a non-executive chairman ; or that each had agreed not to try to force the other off the board .
37 This was totally in contradiction to Mr Venables ' claim that he was promised security of tenure .
38 But it remained unclear after the day-long hearing whether the court would be prepared to grant 34-year-old Mr Daniels ' request for an order that the unit should be reassembled at another London hospital , or at least declare that the action taken by the North West Thames and Riverside health authorities was unlawful .
39 Mr de Soto 's early association with Mr Vargas ' alliance , the Democratic Front , has cooled because of the economist 's suspicion that the novelist is being compromised by his allies .
40 Doubts about Mr Vargas ' taste were also raised by the sight of near-naked women dancing to celebrate his second anniversary in politics .
41 It now has one production controller and everything does go out on time , according to Mr Peters ' research .
42 One of the protesters , Point of Ayr miner Mark Begley from Prestatyn , said he and his colleagues were angry at Mr Richards ' unwillingness to join the campaign .
43 Irishman Mr MacSharry was so furious about Mr Delors ' interference that he resigned his post .
44 In Mr Dicketts ' view the whole system is a ‘ sledgehammer to crack a nut ’ and both partners were concerned that clients would not accept fee increases despite the considerable costs of compliance incurred .
45 A national television appeal for help about people seen near a canal behind Mr Miles ' home , and other potential witnesses , led to a number of calls .
46 Tom Shone , writing in the Sunday Times , was also struck far from dumb by Mr Meades ' novel : ‘ This novel bristles , like a Swiss army knife , with an array of pre-emptive critical barbs , with the result that there 's no abuse you can hurl at it which it has n't already hurled at itself .
47 Generally , however , the type of camera figures little in Mr Edwards ' way of things .
48 Mr Menzies ' exposition was fluent .
49 She said the Edinburgh summit had been a tense time for the family when it seemed all Mr Garel-Jones ' work on Maastricht could have come to nothing .
50 There is no doubt his departure will be a big blow to Mr Major , and will undercut Mr Garel-Jones ' authority as he battles to push the Maastricht Treaty through the Commons in the next few months .
51 A Madrid criminal court yesterday rejected Mr Marks ' appeal for a re-trial of his extradition hearing .
52 There was evidence that Barlow Clowes investors ' money had been put into shares in James Ferguson , run by Mr Clowes ' ally Guy von Cramer .
53 Fishing expeditions for transcripts which may or may not be relevant are also not allowed , so Millett J directed that the liquidators could press for Mr Clowes ' witness summons to be discharged .
54 Wemmick , Mr Jaggers ' clerk , showed me the way to Mr Pocket 's rooms .
55 However I managed to find Mr Jaggers ' office , noticing that other people were waiting for the great man too .
56 If I needed money , I collected it from Wemmick at Mr Jaggers ' office , and there seemed to be plenty of money available .
57 The DPP 's office declined to comment on Mr Stevens ' visit beyond saying that the officer 's inquiries were continuing .
58 However Mr Stevens ' visit to Belfast and his trip to see Nelson has prompted speculation that he was asked by Sir Hugh to go over details of the Finucane murder again with Nelson in case something was overlooked in the original investigation .
59 However , Melford councillor Richard Kemp , Babergh 's personnel committee chairman and Mr Stevens ' rival for the Melford seat on Suffolk County Council , said Mr Stevens had exceeded his brief .
60 Mr Chambers ' name and virtues had been the main topic of her mother 's conversation for the last two months , and no matter how many times Honor expressed her dislike of the man , Flora continued to press the subject .
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