Example sentences of "much as [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 School and university still had n't changed me as much as they had ; maybe even the rest of my life could never compensate for their formative effect .
32 She stared , fascinated by the carpets on the floor and the brightly painted candles , and wondered why the Catholics lit candles too if both sides had hated each other as much as they had in her school history books .
33 The fields became parched and brown and the cattle required additional concentrate feed much as they had done the previous year .
34 Whether I am talking to the residents of Moss Side in Manchester , or Scotswood in Newcastle , I am left in no doubt that they dislike their local councillors and councils as much as they dislike the Government .
35 ‘ Though it 's nowhere near as much as they recommend , ’ she said .
36 I am being taken to the realms of the People , who hate nature as much as they hate me , who am unnatural .
37 Between Charles and Diana there was too little , and from their gangs of friends , far too much as they queued up to blame one side or the other .
38 They have acquired the ability to read much as they acquired the ability to speak , effortlessly , ‘ informally ’ , and often unnoticed .
39 Until the United States sanctions on Nicaragua and its backing for the Contra war come to an end , these limitations on living standards will continue to affect prisoners as much as they affect the rest of the population .
40 Some of the advisers brought into government by Mrs Thatcher disliked the old-style Conservatism almost as much as they detested socialism .
41 The key to this task is to recognise that buyers purchase benefits and are only interested in product features in as much as they provide the benefits that the customer is looking for .
42 Mothers enjoy protective and caring episodes in dealing with their children as much as they enjoy seeing them grow more independent Such episodes are a simple arid direct affirmation of the maternal role .
43 You can hardly believe that a few stretchsuits and some nappies can possibly cost as much as they say , but nine months and a lot of shopping trips later , you will have been forced to accept that your new addition has managed to tip the scales severely in the debit direction .
44 I 'm buying material where the tape measures are big , so I get extra , and I sell it where the tape measures are small , so they do n't get as much as they think they 've got .
45 The paradox is that social representation theorists must search for those aspects of socially shared beliefs which would not classify as social representations , just as much as they study social representations .
46 Primitive insects like the bristletails and the springtails do not change their shape very much as they grow .
47 Er in as much as they maintained the , the labour force .
48 In the first three months of 1993 , they bought a net $1.2 billion of South Korean shares , more than half as much as they invested in the whole of 1992 .
49 Dieters were told that they only had to ration carbohydrates and then they could eat as much as they liked of other foods .
50 Some people at school said look how Mother Francis never gives out to Eve , she 's the real pet ; others said the nuns had to keep her for charity and did n't like her as much as they liked the other girls whose families all contributed something to the upkeep of St Mary 's .
51 If she did not marry directly she finished training , which was highly probable , as she liked the lads as much as they liked her , before long she would be a Sister Tutor .
52 At one time , young professionals could borrow as much as they liked to buy their home , on the promise of their growing salary and sure prospects .
53 A squire 's trick , the Corn Laws , banning the import of cheap foreign corn — which would have meant cheap bread in the cities — so that the squires , who grew the stuff on those ancestral lands of theirs could charge as much as they liked for it .
54 The key point is that the old , regulated financial systems stopped people from borrowing as much as they wanted at a given level of interest rates .
55 That way people could stare at him as much as they wanted to and as much as he wanted them to ; then at the crucial moment he would lift his face and turn those famous eyes on his chosen suitor for the evening .
56 People were encouraged to say as much as they wanted to in answer to these questions , and I later categorised their responses according to the kinds of consequences they envisaged : effects on children , effects on the community generally , and effects on them personally ( or their immediate families ) .
57 Scientists discovered , in an experiment with overweight people , that when allowed to eat as much as they wanted , they ate considerably fewer peanuts in the shell than peanuts provided ready-shelled .
58 But this soon coincided with a clampdown on public expenditure and councils were told they could n't spend as much as they wanted on housing .
59 If I had a storehouse full of confidence , I would gladly give each one of them as much as they needed .
60 I needed them as much as they needed me and I happily took the rough with the smooth .
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