Example sentences of "much [conj] she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Spain stood very much where she had done when Philip II came to the throne , except that the Netherlands had broken free and had set up an empire based much more on trade than on overseas settlements .
2 The sound of the door opening and of voices as people came out on to the deck shocked her so much that she felt physically sick .
3 And er half heatedly she decided she ought , she could n't have any more children you know she 'd , I do n't think it was money so much that she thought she 'd got enough and somebody told her about this Slippery Elm , well you could get a Slippery Elm drink , you know you know these milky foods if you 've got a poor tummy , that that can , er she bought a tin of this Slippery Elm drink , and she drunk gallons of it and it was doing her good and she thought er she thought it would n't , she 'd gone wrong you see .
4 Her hands shook so much that she smudged the rouge and had to start again .
5 While at the city 's Royal Hospital , he took a detour to the maternity ward , where he caused one woman to laugh so much that she had to be whisked away quickly for a premature birth .
6 It was a waste of time him going but he nagged so much that she had to let him go .
7 Who could the woman be , who admired him so much that she sent him a valentine ?
8 It was not so much that she took things from the house — though his racial fear of the poorhouse or famine was deep — but that she left the house at all .
9 Amanda Piper , 24 , said daughter Cherie craves cigarettes so much that she screams if she can not have one .
10 It was n't so much that she looked old and wrinkled ( if you could discount the gleaming white halo of hair ) since her complexion was as smooth and pink as an infant 's .
11 They were singing ‘ Forty Years On ’ as a duet , which surprised her so much that she stepped backwards and trod on the toe of the cross young man with whom she had collided that afternoon .
12 It was not so much that she distrusted banks as the bother for the visit .
13 Her hands were shaking so much that she kept dropping things on the floor .
14 A picture rose in her mind of Dawn enfolded in his arms when they were alone in his surgery , and it tormented her so much that she got up hurriedly and put the little dog in a cage to await Robert 's collection .
15 Perhaps it was because she liked Brown Owl so much that she wanted her to marry someone rather special and wonderful .
16 ‘ Perhaps it was n't so much that she wanted to leave home .
17 The bikini is tiny , three triangles of cotton crochet , and her ribs protrude so much that she looks as if she is made of corrugated paper .
18 It was not so much that she did not trust him as that she had been inhibited by her clerical superiors , Gilbert included .
19 ‘ No , and I doubt very much that she did , otherwise I would n't have left it as I did .
20 That piece of information shook her so much that she put up no resistance to being led off , except to say , ‘ Where are we going ? ’
21 She was enjoying herself so much that she stayed on the floor longer than she should have done and it was only when she saw Mrs Freer making furious faces at her from the doorway that she turned and glided back .
22 A real threat existed , because she responded to him physically , a threat to so much that she valued as part of her individual identity , autonomy , independence , pride , all of which would be lost if ever the weakness he created in her led to her succumbing to the dark attraction he held for her .
23 But he would n't , and redoubled his efforts with her hand , using it as his instrument until she hated what he was doing so much that she shook her head on the pillow and whispered , " No — please — no ! "
24 Questions poured towards the chair , and Mrs Murphy banged her gavel so hard on the coffee table that it left a mark , which distressed her so much that she forgot for a moment why she was hammering and stared sadly at the dent in the wood .
25 She enjoyed it so much that she fancied celebrating her next birthday with a Concorde flight to New York .
26 Princess Anne 's daughter , Zara likes Sugar & Spice by Little Miss Perfumes so much that she bought her school friends sets for Christmas !
27 Its purchase lifted her heart so much that she bought another .
28 She 'd be sluicing her face down with cold water , I assumed , vowing never again to drink so much that she lost control of herself in such an embarrassing , such an appallingly dangerous and potentially disastrous way .
29 Lady , a Jack Russell from Hampshire , loves travelling in her owner 's van so much that she decided to transform it into the perfect den to have her puppies .
30 " Father , there is something I would like so much And she had spoken deliberately with the voice of Amabel .
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