Example sentences of "much that [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This guy laughed so much that everything came to a stop . ’
2 She was shaking so much that everything seemed blurred , merged together .
3 And Seve 's back was a real pain — the cold got to it and it troubled him so much that we had to go and find a physiotherapist .
4 WE got so much that we had asked for from Norman Lamont yesterday that it might seem churlish not to give his Autumn Statement an unqualified welcome .
5 We both like driving it so much that we end up using it all the time , ’ says the Stirlingshire chiropodist .
6 There is so much that we do n't know , and the HDRA organization does nothing but good for our knowledge and understanding .
7 We liked the motor camp at Marahau so much that we stayed two nights , giving us a chance to wash and clean up after the Abel Tasman .
8 As a consequence there is much that we need to find out about teachers and teaching .
9 There 's so much that one does n't know about places and people , so much to find out . ’
10 Fortunately , most of them try one flight and dislike it so much that they avoid flying again .
11 They are aware of the need to improve their length so much that they put in the extra line so they are looking at a 1 or 1.5m ( 4 or 5ft ) area .
12 But we have been brought up to respect these intellectual tools so much that they supplant the innocent insight of a child .
13 The slower pace bored and irritated them so much that they longed to go back and their parents were almost glad to see them off .
14 ‘ Very overrated , ’ he kept saying , and soon they were laughing so much that they had to put their heads beneath the blankets to stifle the noise , in case the farmer and his wife wondered at their hilarity .
15 ‘ What saddened me about the reviews , ’ said Crawford , ‘ was n't so much that they had a go at the play , but they did n't recognise all the work done for me by the rest of the team .
16 In fact , they like it SO much that they 've moved house EIGHTEEN times .
17 Some enjoyed themselves so much that they formed their own team in the league .
18 If the choice of site was intended to reinforce fraternal solidarity , it failed : Lothar 's palace at Thionville was too close for comfort , and his brothers still mistrusted him so much that they demanded hostages from him to guarantee the security of their own negotiators .
19 It 's not so much that they undersell themselves in the UK , but they have to really pull their fingers out in the US .
20 4 to 5 is relatively easy and if someone starts off at 5 they do n't need any persuading at all ( attempts to persuade them may irritate them so much that they start to move to the left ! ) .
21 There had been unsuccessful attempts even further south ; the unfortunate Raleigh got himself out of the Tower by promising to find James 1 a supply of gold in Guiana , but he found no gold and he irritated the Spanish so much that they pushed James into having him executed in 1618 on the 1604 charge of treason .
22 They evidently ‘ enjoy the inartistic , unbeautiful , and the superficial emotional appeal of much that they foster ’ .
23 What is remarkable about the text-books ( which describe the chemical structure of the various chains in loving detail ) is not so much that they do not explain the discrepancy but that they do not even notice it ; nor are they apparently interested in the fact that the work of fracture for a material like Polythene or Nylon is at least a hundred times higher than it is for most of the thermosetting plastics .
24 And they enjoy themselves so much that they do n't even mind what people call them .
25 Visitor pressure and the often mindless or downright destructive behaviour of some of the people who come to this area have annoyed some farmers so much that they look on walkers as just another kind of vermin — and there are many times when I can sympathise with this attitude completely .
26 A council they oppose so much that they give us one of the lowest grants per head in the country , poll tax cap us , take us to court over redundancy payments , criticise us over the Meadow Well management and so on .
27 Excessive use of this technique in a self-administered or postal questionnaire can irritate respondents so much that they give up .
28 I pointed out that I did not limp or at least not so much that anyone had previously noticed .
29 Passers-by were clearly baffled by what they saw and it was only when curiosity proved too much that anyone came near enough to be buttonholed .
30 The sound of the door opening and of voices as people came out on to the deck shocked her so much that she felt physically sick .
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