Example sentences of "place [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But from those earliest days , she had n't believed in the Church at all ; not one scrap , not one iota , and this was why she 'd been so surprised to discover herself in such a place only the previous morning .
2 If you stay in the same place then the whole process of sexual reproduction means that indeed there are uniform populations which are hybridizing with one another and then barriers to other hybridizing population , but not if you move about .
3 By carrying out thorough and painstaking research , we were able to make informed and positive comment on the disaster in Caithness and Sutherland — the threats to wild birds in the Flow Country from large-scale planting of alien conifers in places where the economic justification was questionable and the damage to the environment immense .
4 Meath , Mullingar and Roscommon were the main places where the Irish cattle came from .
5 At the places where the dark zones meet the pale central part of the body there is a soft intermediate zone , rather than a sharp edge .
6 So the DUP candidates would have been drawn predominently from rural areas , the places where the evangelical influence on the Party was greatest .
7 ‘ London cows ’ , as Godwin observes , ‘ are , in many cases , kept in places where the poor brutes are not only destroyed themselves , but are made the cause of destruction to those living around .
8 The Soviet War Memorial is one of only two places Where the Russian military have representation in the West , and in order to maintain it they employ soldiers who cross the Wall from their barracks in East Berlin .
9 It also transpired that parts of England ( east and south-east ) were put on full invasion alert at the time , but it seems that ‘ Cromwell ’ had been ignored in some places where the junior officers who happened to be on duty had not been let into the secret of what it meant .
10 Perhaps the majority of the " workhouses " still so called in the last third of the eighteenth century were in no real sense distinguishable from " poorhouses " , that is from places where the impotent poor , through age or infirmity , could be lodged either until death or more temporarily .
11 In both cases inadequate research led to inadequate technical measures being launched and has , in places where the worst effects were felt , put both programmes back decades .
12 Why can not money be spent on advertising the help available in places where the homeless gather ?
13 He walks along the top of ancient city walls , passing secretly among the rooftops , through a world of slates and television aerials and caged birds at dormer windows ; emerges upon high places where the whole city — roofs , towers , domes , and lives — is gathered at his feet , and the immense acreage of its noise comes up to him like the murmur of the sea .
14 For example , if you look up the word " wit " in a Concordance to Congreve , you will find all the places where the seventeenth-century dramatist Congreve used that word ; you can then work out what its particular meaning for Congreve must have been by studying how he uses it .
15 But there are now many places where the wooded , steep-sided landscape gives us a reminder of past beauty — and some fine walking .
16 Further , to argue , as Gandhi does , that progress towards ahi sā must have taken place otherwise the human race would have become extinct by now , in the same way as lower species of animal life have become extinct , is to ignore the principle of natural selection , and the fact that more sophisticated weapons of hi sā are now at man 's disposal making the possibility of his self-destruction and extinction more real today than at any time in the past .
17 The hotel stands on the water 's edge just outside the village-like town of Pallanza , in front of the tiny island of San Giovanni which is famed as the place where the great conductor Toscanini once lived .
18 By the time I had been an intern for a few more months , doing my rounds in my white coat with stethoscope dangling round my neck ( and feeling very important ) , Father had had to close down the second branch , leaving — for the time being — only the original shop which he had opened near the Market Place where the annual Goose Fair was held .
19 At the end of the corridor which he describes , before you get to the rubbish , is the place where the young make love .
20 It was the place where the young shoemaker 's daughter lived .
21 It might be the place where the young of the West come to be seen , but it is the old guard who hold their ground , the poets and writers , pamphleteers and musicians who leave their mark on the atmosphere of this enchanted city .
22 Fiona : And the place where the Lost Boys had their tree-house was a bit babyish too .
23 Sunset and sunrise are to be taken at the place where the alleged offences were committed .
24 This was a place where the Soviet world was a thing of books and newspapers and television shows and magazines — not tangible .
25 Staff were advised that the company was looking for a new property when the search for a new suitable area began and when Aldermaston had been identified as the place where the new offices were to be built .
26 It is the place where the new recruit is most likely to learn about the ‘ typical ’ and ‘ difficult ’ kinds of cases .
27 It 's a very beautiful place where the friendly feel of the climbs reflects the gentle scenery .
28 See , the very place where the mighty throng and the Empress Judith Had been standing , and with them the boy Charles himself !
29 Although the Bois became notorious as the place where the respectable of society met the less respectable , it was nevertheless , in some sense , an extension of the Court itself , for the carriage outings of the Emperor and the Empress formed part of the spectacle :
30 One such place where the two plates are edging past each other is at the San Andreas fault in Northern California : the consequences of a major release of tension along that line are too well-known , and too horrific , to bear repeating here .
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