Example sentences of "try [to-vb] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He felt strangely afraid and tried to pretend that he had not seen him , but Basil hurried after him .
2 In those days a man was allocated duties , it is true they tried to arrange that he was on early spread , medium or late duties but it did n't always work out because of holidays , sickness or that but erm there were no restriction on hours .
3 The young houseman appeared to be consulting a list , and Richard , anxious to help a beginner , tried to indicate that he would bleed from the ears if it was the right thing to do .
4 No wonder the Government of the day tried to conceal that it had spent public money on bringing some dotty lady down from her high table to tell us what it is to want what we want .
5 At the Madrid summit last summer , Sir Geoffrey Howe , who at the time was collaborating closely with Mr Lawson , tried to insist that she name a date after 1 July next year on which Britain would join .
6 Jinny swallowed her rage and tried to forget that she had wanted to go up to Back Clough Dale today .
7 If the purchaser is to try to ensure that his is the last counter-offer , so that it will be accepted by the conduct of the seller , the device of sending back another acknowledgement does not work well in practice .
8 We tried to hope that they were going to release Franky and that they simply did n't want the rest of us to get angry and depressed .
9 Charsky tried to shout that he too was here , but could n't utter a sound .
10 ‘ The fact that we have all along tried to ensure that we could resolve these sensitive issues as soon as possible is n't a political tactic , ’ he said on a visit to the New Territories .
11 By so doing he changed the very character of the conflict , for through the creation of a wider involvement in its success he tried to ensure that he , and his successors , would have broad support for the continued involvement of England and Englishmen in France .
12 However , once the licence to sink an exploratory well was awarded to the Hamilton Oil Company , we tried to ensure that it honoured the conditions attached to the licence , prepared an adequate oil spill contingency plan and designed an operational programme which minimised the risks to the environment .
13 When they reached the prison , at Riom , and an official tried to argue that they had no authority to remove the canisters , Jacques Allier took out a pistol and levelled it wordlessly at the bureaucratic face .
14 Vic tried to argue that it did n't make any difference how many toilets you had , it was the number of times you flushed them that mattered , but his father was convinced that having so many toilets was an incitement to unnecessary peeing , therefore to excessive flushing .
15 The hon. Gentleman made comparisons with south of the border to try to imply that we have somehow done less well in Scotland .
16 He did n't listen to her when she tried to explain that they were going to marry .
17 I tried to explain that you either had the vibe or you did n't , it was n't something that I could explain . ’
18 When she tried to explain that she would now have to live on five shillings a week , she could not restrain a few tears .
19 With resignation she felt the colour steal into her face , and knew he would n't believe her even as she tried to explain that she had n't even seen the rings but had been absorbed by the ornaments .
20 She tried to explain that it was only the symptoms that had gone , and that now we had to tackle the causes .
21 ‘ They tried to explain that it was only sand and it was all a stunt , but it was lit up with radioactivity signs and we take our environmental responsibilities very seriously . ’
22 He started to try to say that he could not breathe and was put on a ventilator . ’
23 I tried to say that I understood , that I 'd felt much the same way when I lost Jess .
24 If he were here to answer the question , I suspect that he would be in considerable difficulty if he tried to say that he continued to oppose those privatisations .
25 It was when he tried to move that he found his robe was caught on some obstruction .
26 All of them would live more happily if they and the world remained in ignorance , and to try to achieve that I would give them the one gift I could .
27 Folly tried to protest that she did n't want to go in at all , but her guide 's businesslike attitude and obvious haste made it difficult to intervene .
28 And this time no one will even try to pretend that it is n't murder . ’
29 They may even try to ensure that they do not have any who are popular enough to filch " their " votes .
30 The mother will protect it from predators , such as eagles , and will try to ensure that it does n't fall down the mountainside by always standing on the downhill side of it .
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