Example sentences of "try [to-vb] [adj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Daryl tried to imitate all they did , she was good to , but not quite so good as they were , but she was quite fearless and divide of the highest diving board and went down a chute in all kinds of peculiar position .
2 It was nasty , brutish and to be frank frightening as they tried to make sure they won the vote over Maastricht .
3 A delegation from the opposition Democratic Progressive Party ( DPP ) , was in Singapore to try to make sure it stuck to that pledge .
4 ‘ And you , Kraal of the distant South , must try to remember all I have taught you these long years and pass it on .
5 ‘ I can try to make sure they can protect themselves , ca n't I ? ’
6 ‘ I simply have n't got time to spend hours slaving over a hot stove — I 'd rather be out playing with the children or getting out and about , but I do try to make sure we eat well . ’
7 Yeah , okay , we note your concern and we 'll , we 'll try to make sure it does n't happen again .
8 Yes but , you see when I try to buy some I think the frozen fish is , shop in Woodbridge is silly , damn silly place anyway !
9 You are not helping the players , because if you try to do that they will come to rely on you in the actual performance .
10 Most people try to do all they can to help and support their elderly parents and other relatives who live alone .
11 They know how to have a good time and try to make sure we do but they remain resolutely , ‘ pub-rockers ’ .
12 Look after the twins and try to make sure they negotiate the reefs of puberty and adolescence , set them up to make their way in the world , and do so without becoming just like me …
13 I just try to make sure I look at the person I 'm talking to , and show them I 'm interested .
14 When he tries to sound fiercer he sometimes sounds peevish or wheedling .
15 The relationship between Jacques and his Master is founded on a tacit agreement that the roles they occupy are the reverse of what they appear to be , but when Jacques tries to articulate this he risks losing his power which depends on its going unacknowledged .
16 The banker tries to make sure he is not .
17 He 's still trying to find some he 's phoned a bloke in Plymouth see if he can get them .
18 That 's what we 're trying to do all You know that 's that 's that 's just our job , that 's how we 're we 're looking at buildings .
19 ‘ It is absolutely necessary that if somebody is gumming up the system or can not keep pace with what you are trying to do that they should go , ’ he declares uncompromisingly .
20 It is absolutely necessary that if somebody is gumming up the system or can not keep pace with what you are trying to do that they should go
21 The Tory tactic of trying to scare those they claim to be dissenters from switching to another party is laughable .
22 You know I 'm trying to push more you know .
23 Somebody 's trying to make sure we blame the Sardinians . ’
24 For the remainder of the journey she fiddled with her clothes , trying to make sure she would look respectable when she arrived home and arranging the neck of her blouse to cover her throat where she was sure she must have another love bite .
25 ‘ You are going nowhere at all , ’ he assured her grimly , looking down at her as he sat her on the bed , her legs on top of the sheets , and she was too busy trying to make sure she did n't faint to consider how she looked .
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