Example sentences of "try [conj] help [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 One poor man was bleeding to death , and I ran out to try and help him .
2 We 've got to try and help him .
3 That was when he begged me to move in with him to try and help him .
4 ‘ If I was out of work I 'm sure Denis would be the first person to try and help me .
5 These days employers are increasingly using psychometric testing ( personality tests ) to try and help them fit the personality to the job ( see pp 117–18 ) .
6 It was their own idea , started without help before I began my work as an adviser and I want to try and help them make it a success .
7 I have got to try and help them at times like this when they need me . ’
8 I have got to try and help them at times like this when they need me . ’
9 ‘ We need to try and help them progress in life as opposed to literally shutting the door in their faces .
10 After a while I decided it was best to try and help her get on better with her father , and now by interfering between them I 've been the cause of her being kidnapped .
11 And er we can get by on lots of things and when an emergency does come , sometimes we can cope with it if it 's not too big a one , but other times it can catch up with us , simply because we are only sort of half awake so the purpose of the talk today is to try and help us all to see various ways in which we can stay awake in the truth physic er , er spiritually speaking .
12 You 're going to try and help us then are you ?
13 The Occupational Therapist is there to try and help you find a solution to your problem .
14 Valda having provided the introduction , I was of course quite delighted to try and help you with names and contacts the other day on the telephone , and note that you will supply me with a strictly personal and confidential copy at the conclusion of your endeavours and I appreciate this VERY much !
15 That 's , that 's , yeah that 's the special edition which is the one er just , you know , to try and help you sell better and that 's the , that 's the other possibility , the
16 I did try and help her about how to run a war because it 's such a long time since anybody 's run a war — I mean the technical methods of running a war — which she did very well .
17 We 'll try and help you .
18 I 'll try and help you .
19 No I 'm not homeless I 'm gon na try and help you are
20 And in any case , it might die if we do n't try and help it … soon . ’
21 If a woman wants to become pregnant , we try and help her as long as we are satisfied with physical and mental tests . ’
22 So I get on with her and try and help her .
23 We try and help them out mm best we can .
24 And whe they you see , some people are trying to get the opinions of Ethiopia changed , cos like everyone seems to pity them and really , they should accept them and try and help them , but try and help them on , like equal terms .
25 And whe they you see , some people are trying to get the opinions of Ethiopia changed , cos like everyone seems to pity them and really , they should accept them and try and help them , but try and help them on , like equal terms .
26 you see , I mean what they do is soon as they 've kicked them out in the mental homes they 're having to put them in to erm , I mean erm , there are people who are not able to be on their own , I mean the ones they 've kicked out are people that have been depressed and say well you 've got to find , get your family to help , I mean , when you 've got somebody depressed in your family you try and help them
27 Yeah , they have got problems and that 's why erm , people like us come along and try and help them .
28 I think they do to a certain extent , but the teachers try and erm brush it away , they try and forget that they are soldiers ' children and try and help them mix in with the civilian children .
29 now try and help him
30 and that 's what , you know , I try and help you on if you like but how can you do that when
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