Example sentences of "never [vb infin] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The one thing I could never do was please my mother .
2 His touch was as she remembered it , warm and gentle , but as he gently returned her foot to the ground she again felt shy — absurdly and ridiculously shy , when she could never remember being so taken by shyness before — and she just had to look away from him while she collected herself .
3 ‘ We 're crazy about each other and should never have been apart this last year , but it 's fate , you see , coming here and bumping into them like that in that restaurant . ’
4 Yet we can now see that Castells 's all-embracing theory could never have been straightforwardly extended to the particular kinds of class and social relations constituting particular societies and localities .
5 Judgments will be made on human remains , associated funerary objects , unassociated funerary materials ( typically associated with funerary remains , but not clearly from graves ) , as well as ‘ cultural patrimony ’ ( communally owned objects , that therefore could never have been legally sold ) , and religious objects ( necessary for ongoing practice of religious ritual ) .
6 But , in itself , this would never have been enough .
7 It may never have been genuinely effective , or it may have failed because the organism lost its antibiotic properties when it had been grown for years in artificial cultures , or because its commercial manufacture was inadequately supervised .
8 He fired the jack into the ditch and Essex had the best back bowl to take a single and win the match although , after a tremendous start , it should never have been so close .
9 Afterwards , she lay naked , warm and quiescent in the curve of his arm , listening to his laboured breathing , feeling the fast , steady beat of his heart as it thundered against her cheek , knowing that it could never have been so good , so satisfying for both of them if she had n't loved him .
10 ‘ It was pure sex , and I should never have been so damn crazy !
11 You should never have been so eager to pay so much for so poor a privilege . ’
12 He can never have been more anonymous .
13 Though they may never have been more vulnerable — as Peterborough demonstrated in the Rumbelows Cup — Liverpool are the most experienced team in the last four of the FA Cup .
14 Nevertheless it is my belief that without us , feminism would never have been more than a caucus of the broad left .
15 Hardly any part of it stood more than waist high now , much was covered in grass or blackthorn bushes , and it could never have been more than a chapel anyway .
16 The simple fact of the matter is that we should never have been there in the first place .
17 But you had to remember the circumstances they were there under — they should never have been there at all .
18 My thoughts the leaf stem should never have been there in the first place it was a waste of money .
19 So in reality they need never have been all at exactly the same place , only very close together .
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