Example sentences of "never [vb pp] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He says he 's never travelled by car .
2 She knew their names — except for the thin man with the small head whom the others never addressed by name — and something of their characters .
3 Crown counsel never sought by reference to the May addendum to correct the witness or to clarify what she meant by ‘ one statement , ’ nor did he reveal to defence counsel the existence of the May addendum .
4 Why was it never seen by day ?
5 Moldan , whose name was on the StB register although he had not been an agent , admitted to meeting with StB agents but declared that " in the conditions in Czechoslovakia at that time it never crossed by mind that I could refuse " .
6 But , his career with the DHSS was never eclipsed by athletics and he consciously made exams and promotion prime targets .
7 The minimalist interpretation is too weak since it assumes that people are never bound by authority regarding issues on which they have firm views .
8 Nevertheless , he was thankful to God that in all his life he was never overcome by depression , and that , despite his almost continual pain , it never seriously hindered him in his work , his study or his preaching .
9 The second is a classic case of the Court 's creation of a policy never expressed by Parliament and the imposition of that policy on the legislation in plain contradiction of its express and unequivocal terms .
10 Equally , individual non-observation sentences are never confirmed by experience .
11 The precise nature of the relations between adult education institutions and organised labour has always been problematic , and usually unsatisfactory , but that there should be a close and organic relationship was never questioned by adult educators who saw their work as part of a broader movement towards social emancipation and change .
12 A slow retrieve , occasionally stopping to allow the bait to sink back to depth , then speeding up to run the bait to the surface working the bait as a lure or wobbled bait would be , the difference is that on this occasion you could be doing it at 150 yards from the bank and an area never covered by bankside wobblers .
13 In this lofty style his enemies were never mentioned by name , only as the sinister and impersonal ‘ they ’ , bent on destruction of Church and State .
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