Example sentences of "problem was [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The eastern solution to Germany 's problems was to create an area of unified language , unified identity , unified wealth and settlement , a bulwark against the barbarism and poverty of the Poles .
2 The suggested solution to this problem was to use the symbol , which does not represent any single phoneme ; a similar proposal was made for .
3 The first method of tackling the problem was to open a Job Club in Lower Clonard Street .
4 Their problem was to control the wild fluctuations of form to which they were prone .
5 My problem was to persuade the teaching profession that this approach could generate lively teaching in the classroom .
6 Their response to this problem was to release a suitably grown-up , remarkably restrained , but really rather dull LP , and to start talking a load of old bollocks about maturity and development .
7 The prize problem was to fill the gap between Jacobi 's results by finding the number of expressions as a sum of at most five squares .
8 So the problem was to create a feed which came in particles of the right size ( five millionths of a metre across ) , could be freeze-dried , would not foul the water , dissolve or feed the bugs .
9 TRACE-II solution to this problem was to create a bank of phoneme and word detectors in which units were duplicated again and again , but as McClelland & Elman ( 1986 ) point out there are numerous objections to such a scheme .
10 Her problem was to find the reason for her wanderings — was she botanist , naturalist , ethnologist , geologist , or , as Dea Birkett decides , a woman who had to make an impression ?
11 The problem was to identify the messengers and find out what messages each one carried .
12 To summarise , the problem was to build a machine that could examine enough positions in three minutes to give it some protection against the clumsiness of its evaluation functions .
13 The owners ' research problem was to get a light that would function in the methane-rich atmosphere of the ‘ crept ’ workings .
14 Their solution to the coal mining problem was to recommend a composite long-wall method of working .
15 Gramsci argued , like Banfield did some thirty years later , with a direct political aim , but in Gramsci 's case the problem was to develop a political strategy for the Communists adequate to the conditions in the rural , clerical-dominated and agricultural south , as well as to the conditions in the much more urban , secular and industrialised north of Italy .
16 The real problem was to avoid the obvious .
17 Another early problem was to uncurl a twist in the fuselage due to the skins having been removed without the airframe being placed in a jig .
18 This problem was to plague the new party until its virtual disappearance from the scene after the 1987 general election .
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