Example sentences of "problem be that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 One of Derry 's pressing problems is that they do n't possess a natural left-sided midfielder — hence the constant chopping and changing to try and find the right balance across the middle .
2 Now one of the problems is that they no longer perhaps group together in self-supportive units .
3 The job of communicating is very important indeed and maybe one of our problems is that we have been doing so much within the business that we are not ready to communicate to the outside world that it perhaps does n't understand sufficiently what our targets are .
4 One of the great problems is that we are trained to think in lists — packing lists , shopping lists , lists of tasks to complete today …
5 One of the problems is that we have not found a way of doing it cheaply , and this has caused great anxiety . ’
6 One of our major industrial problems is that we usually do not ask enough of our people .
7 modern traffic calming measures however er I believe we have experts on the Council er in these matters but I believe that by narrowing the road and perhaps giving us pavements because one of our problems is that we have not got a continuous pavement through the village , and it is necessary to cross the road four times in some cases to walk from one end to the other .
8 One of the problems is that you ca n't say one night you may get seven or eight calls .
9 The problems is that you do n't know what documents you need for your enquiry .
10 One of the problems is that it is much more likely to become hostile and therefore difficult to handle .
11 However successful British Coal is in the future in building on its outstanding success in recent years and improving productivity , one of its basic problems is that it can sell only coal .
12 In conversation about this family it may be perfectly understandable to say that ‘ one of Keith 's problems is that he is so aggressive ’ but it is not defining the problem from the viewpoint of intervention .
13 Professional : ‘ So one of your problems is that he throws toys ? ’
14 One of Stirling 's problems was that he was not content to let others do the raiding from time to time , though he had proved his own courage and nobody would have thought the worse of him had he decided to concentrate on sorting out the many administrative problems that beset L Detachment .
15 The problem is that we as a nation continue to expect a clinical quart out of an economic pint .
16 Our problem is that we always separate love from justice and love from holiness .
17 ‘ Our biggest problem is that we do not have an organisation in the country that has a monitoring role for the quality of our soil . ’
18 Our problem is that we tend to eat too much of some nutrients and not enough of others .
19 The main problem is that we rarely know what we really want .
20 The distinction between the individual and what is being looked for can be confused : the problem is that we do n't always know how much .
21 The problem is that we have got the balance wrong .
22 The only problem is that we are not doing enough of it and in the right way .
23 The problem is that we sow so little .
24 I think our problem is that we 're too closely identified with beer , and traditional draught beer at that .
25 ‘ Our problem is that we 're not in the Premier League , but hopefully that will be remedied at the end of this season . ’
26 Our problem is that we 're not in the Premier League , but hopefully that will be remedied at the end of this season . ’
27 I believe that the reason for this being such a common problem is that we live , in the Western industrialised world , in such a disembodied way .
28 The problem is that we do n't get the following day 's forecast until 4pm and sometimes it has to join the queue for updating .
29 When it comes to other sensory systems , much of the problem is that we have n't the sort of clear ideas about how they might work that we have about the visual system .
30 ‘ The problem is that we are a retailer , and our skills may not be easily exported .
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