Example sentences of "member who [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The problem drinker in our society can be defined as any person who experiences social , psychological or physical problems as a consequence of his or her own repeated drinking , and services should not only be aimed at the individuals themselves but also at family members who suffer as a result of someone else 's drinking .
2 We are now pleased to announce that this exclusion has been removed and all members who suffer from disabilities or diseases can now apply for insurance under the scheme .
3 Of the £8 , the branch has to send £4 to the National Childbirth Trust HQ to support the work of the national charity , so we only get the remainder to spend on 's breastfeeding counsellor training , Penny 's antenatal teacher training , newsletter production & mailing , our post-natal support network , expenses for members who sit on the Birmingham Maternity Services Committee and the Community Health Council etc. etc …
4 As SSC has only consultative , not decision-making status , this means that a recommendation will go to F&S not from SSC as a whole but from the Board members who sit on both SSC and F&S , and .
5 The federal government of the United States of America embodies a separation of powers between the executive , headed by a President elected for four years , the legislative branch , Congress , which comprises the Senate ( with 100 members who sit for six years , one-third being elected every two years ) and the House of Representatives ( with 435 members elected every two years ) , and the judicial branch , headed by the Supreme Court .
6 You were right to point out that from now until polling day , whenever it may be , will be somewhat tortuous not just for the watching public but for Members who sit in this Chamber .
7 Is that not in stark contrast to Labour Members who trade on the squalor and misery of people who are not housed ?
8 In addition , those members who retire after age 62 , with Company consent , will not have their pension reduced for early payment .
9 Union members who apply for the Commissioner 's assistance are protected against being disciplined by their unions because they have done so .
10 For this reason the campaigning elements of the organization — and that includes many of the 80,000 British members who undertake to be active on Amnesty 's behalf — have increased and refined their methods over the years .
11 To this end we welcome the support of any interested NCT members who wish to be involved in some way .
12 AMNESTY regrets that it is only able to send full English transcripts of replies to members who write in requesting one ( accompanied by SAE ) .
13 Formal goals may be displaced by informal and incompatible goals that reflect the interests of members who happen to be in a position to substitute their goals for those of ‘ the organization ’ .
14 The contributions of family members who live at a distance should not be under-estimated .
15 There are one or two Opposition Members who live up the road who would sign .
16 No , no , it 's not only their own er we have got er entries from W I members of other villages , but mainly its from the members who live in the villages and of course that is the beauty of the book , where it differs from the normal travel book , it 's the story of villages by people who actually live in them .
17 We are pleased to introduce a new service free of charge to our members who insure with Homecover which offers a free 24 hour home emergency service .
18 In the pension scheme there are typically three groups of members , the existing pensioners er those people who are still working for the company , the employees and the third group of er members who work for the companies generally referred to as deferred members .
19 At the elections in June 1990 , Mr Borja lost much of his congressional support , to fresh members who vie among themselves in opposition to the president .
20 None the less , in many congregations , many of the elders are DUP activists or members , and in some congregations all of those members who vote at all would vote DUP .
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