Example sentences of "member [prep] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 've had calls from council members about the Charlottenburg Riots . ’
2 During our Centenary year the local groups planned the most ambitious programme of events ever , aiming to raise many thousands of pounds and recruit new members for the RSPB .
3 At a time when we are on the threshold of change , indeed very considerable change , in local government and when our burghs which have been with us since the earliest times are about to disappear , it may be of interest to look at the burghs of Scotland prior to the passing of the Reform Act and their position in the election of Members for the Westminster Parliament .
4 In practice , the authorities responsible for broadcasting — the governors of the BBC and the members of the IBA — oversee their respective organizations and ensure that certain statutory obligations are met .
5 The Reverend Peter Brown , Convener of the Social Matters Committee for the Orkney Presbytery , began to investigate the actions of the Evangelical Charismatic Movement in Orkney , and whether any members of the Orkney Christian Fellowship had been at that seminar .
6 Members of the CMC : Jiang Zemin ( Chair ) , *Liu Huaqing ( Vice-Chair ) , *Zhang Zhen ( Vice-Chair ) , *Chi Haotian , *Zhang Wannian , *Yu Yongbo , *Fu Quanyou .
7 Southey was the first to subscribe to his etchings of 1813 , paying £1-5-0 , and on the same list are three members of the Lloyd family , including Charles .
8 MEMBERS of the Lloyd 's insurance market will have capital gains on their premium funds taxed in the same way as those of other corporate insurers the Chancellor said .
9 Civil liberties were further curtailed , disruptive workers were drafted into the army , censorship was tightened , legal socialist publications suppressed , and the Bolshevik members of the Duma arrested .
10 For many members of the EC , that would not be a problem .
11 Some countries — such as France — see EMU as a way of winning back some power from the West Germans , since a European central bank would mean all the members of the EC having a say in how policy is conducted .
12 LAST WEEK the Seasick Summit , this week the Strasbourg summit , which saw Mrs Thatcher , so often the scourge of Europe , being polite and conciliatory , eliciting applause from the other 11 members of the EC .
13 However , the addition of these fats has not been universally accepted and some members of the EC and the US maintain that the cacao portion of chocolate , which includes cocoa butter , must be from pure cacao nib , which contains approximately 55 per cent true cocoa , otherwise the product must be described as chocolate flavoured .
14 When or if other members of the EC move to a monetary union with a single currency , we will take our own unfettered decision on whether to join .
15 All the members of the EC except Britain and Denmark have voted to ratify the treaty ( although in Germany the president 's signature has been held up by challenges in the constitutional court ) .
16 But common monetary , defence , foreign or social policies will be hopelessly ineffective if designed to fit all 20 or so countries that could be members of the EC by the end of the century .
17 The six original members of the EC commenced operating the ‘ snake in the tunnel ’ scheme in 1972 , and the UK along with Eire and Denmark also participated in May 1972 while negotiating entry to the Community .
18 When John Major is invited to sign the treaty devised by Jacques Delors , he should not only by thinking about the likely effects on the British economy , but also about Eastern Europe 's moral claims on the existing members of the EC .
19 At the same time , the construction of new trading blocs and dismantling of the old have greatly shifted the pattern of the UK 's trade : as the Commonwealth 's preferential trading system was dismantled and the EC trading bloc was constructed , the proportion of UK imports and exports traded with Commonwealth countries declined while the proportion traded with the six initial members of the EC rose strongly .
20 Unlike the other 11 members of the EC , Britain has not experienced serious military defeat , occupation , civil war or revolution for at least 200 years .
21 If that were to happen every time there were a referral to the European Court the laws , not just of this country but of all other members of the EC , would be in chaos .
22 It certainly permits a rise of almost 100 per cent in the structural funds , and should especially benefit the three most recent members of the EC .
23 This is quite poignant , because other members of the EC have more of a European ‘ mentality ’ .
24 Both of these members of the Rubiaceae family are finding their way into good houseplant departments .
25 Reports from the provinces said that former members of the Stasi are playing an active part in the crusade for revenge .
26 Two members of the W.A.A.F. posted to Station X neatly encapsulated the idiosyncratic nature of Bletchley Park and its denizens in these verses , which I found with great pleasure in Beryl Escott 's recent Women in Air Force Blue :
27 In September 1980 a meeting of the local CHCs with members of the Camden and Islington AHA was told that the North Camden
28 Banners and chants were aimed at certain members of the Brockville board before the game and the team 's performance did little to soothe the ire of a post-match demonstration .
29 One half was crammed with snapshots of various adults and children , presumably all members of the Vaughan clan .
30 Government officials have agreed to recommend an accelerated phase-out of the main ozone-destroying chemicals by the end of 1995 to a ministerial meeting in Copenhagen in November of the 82 members of the Montreal Protocol .
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