Example sentences of "' [noun sg] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 The socialist parties ' elite groups and the rank and file members had increasingly diverged in their social background , incomes , interests and capabilities .
2 This designation was not without its local hostility ; the validity of the designation order was challenged by a residents ' protection society and the High Court held in favour of the objectors .
3 Sir Freddie Laker was the entrepreneurial fox who cheekily jumped into the airlines ' broiler house and mightily ruffled their wings .
4 But it 's decades since IBM last saw beyond its customers ' cheque books and recognised vulnerable human beings with hopes and fears , dreads and aspirations .
5 It provided for ( i ) free movement of goods , services and labour ; ( ii ) a common monetary system and central banking system ; ( iii ) no federal taxation but a unified tax rate for taxes common to all republics ; ( iv ) agreed limits to republics ' budget deficits and a community budget which would not be allowed to have a deficit ; and ( v ) price reform , with controlled prices for key goods and services .
6 TEACHER unions should accept the implications of the Conservatives ' election victory and abandon their opposition to opt-out schools , the leader of one of the main classroom organisations said yesterday .
7 Despite the Conservatives ' election victory and the easing of rates since their high point in August 1990 , recovery seemed a long way off even before the events of Black Wednesday .
8 After all , I had ‘ covered ’ the Boys ' Parliament sessions and other church activities for him on a free lance basis , and I was sure he knew I was determined to take up journalism as a full-time and life-long career .
9 It is from this operational base that customers ' board designs and the necessary tooling will be prepared .
10 For example , I plan to use it ( with Quatek 's permission ) for logging divers ' heart rates and breathing rates , and also for underwater navigation as part of a research programme at Loughborough University .
11 It would be replaced by a mixture of housing associations , tenants ' co-ownership schemes and further individual ownership .
12 It is thought that this move will be followed by stronger legislation which will in time ban all cigarette companies ' brand names and logos appearing in any form on Italian TV .
13 The close agreement between the teams ' assessment diagnoses and those made by formal psychiatric review is reassuring , in that the multidisciplinary approach to initial assessment seems not to lead to misdiagnosis of patients .
14 Feta is a much softer ewes ' milk cheese and is made throughout the eastern Mediterranean .
15 The results they obtained suggested a close relationship between changes in the United States ' money supply and changes in money national income over a long period of time .
16 Matey might not work so hard as McAllister did , or perform such menial tasks , like scrubbing the kitchen floor and whitening the front doorstep — which was next on McAllister 's list of duties — but she did her share and was never idle , even in her spare time — hence her membership of the ladies ' sewing circle and her encouragement of her housemaid , McAllister , to accompany her to it .
17 The chapter ends with a discussion of how the growing problem of managing the additive agendas created by international developments affects governments ' bargaining power and their behaviour towards the multinationals .
18 Then one day I had to go to the Post Office for something — one of them forms I daresay — so I thought I better wrap up , I better take care , you 're very vulnerable after a long illness you know , and I put my old long mack on and one of the kids ' mack hats and Wellingtons and I went out in the rain , feeling , in a depressed sort of way , ‘ Well , if I get ill again , what can I do ?
19 When they arrived , Karen drove into the doctors ' car park and stopped the car .
20 If this is done the tenants and their staff should be expressly prohibited from using the visitors ' car park and time limits on parking there should be imposed .
21 The judging panel is concerned that under FRS 3 , income from property companies ' revenue activities and results of capital transactions in their investment properties will be combined at the pre-tax level .
22 PLANS for parents to be given details of schools ' truancy rates and costs and the work destinations of leavers have been condemned by the education committee of the Church of Scotland , writes Gary Duncan .
23 Increasingly the role of initial assessment will take on a new importance and will focus on centres ' guidance structures and procedures .
24 There was a gradual reduction in the mills ' labour force and the coming of ‘ dormitory dwellers ’ and the need for more services .
25 He is able to use capital productively because he can buy the workers ' labour power and the price he pays is the subsistence wage .
26 The first is that the stockmarket does not collapse again , causing banks ' equity capital and their unrealised share gains ( which are their main cushion against bad loans ) to dwindle .
27 When dinosaurs ' eating habits and teeth and jaw mechanisms are examined more fully , one wonders why only the terminal Cretaceous/Tertiary extinctions are the subject of endless debate rather than any of the preceding extinctions .
28 Ken Tyrell , head of Tyrell Racing Organisation , forms a Members ' Action Group and calls a June EGM .
29 Organiser Rose Cuthbertson said the show would be followed up with teachers ' action packs and practical workshop sessions on the environment .
30 Organiser Rose Cuthbertson said the show would be followed up with teachers ' action packs and practical workshop sessions on the environment .
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