Example sentences of "away for [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We have a portion to give away for each reader 's letter we print .
2 In this shot the PSU is mounted sufficiently far away for easy access .
3 AFTER Monday 's scramble in Southampton , John Major 's egg-splattered jacket was whisked away for dry cleaning .
4 It would , of course , be rather unnatural if weaknesses within the school were n't quietly noted and stored away for future reference .
5 Kruger favours pen-based machines because he says they make life easier for the user — all he needs to do is ring the bit of text he wants to file away for future reference , and his computer will store it away on hard disk .
6 ‘ Ah yes , ‘ pinch ’ , ’ murmured Mahmoud , filing the word away for future reference .
7 All sorts of odd moments occur during the day , in which a page or two of a score can be read and hints stored away for future use .
8 An academic takes him away for extensive intelligence tests , but he becomes disruptive and eventually opts to return home .
9 He parked a Mercedes 600 on the driveway , although the battered VW was not discarded , merely put away for occasional use for fear of being accused of reverse affectation .
10 The boiler for 1264 is presently away for major overhaul with present plans of having the motion , pistons and brake gear assembly in position by the end of 1992 .
11 Standards should not be hidden away for internal use only , but should be clearly displayed at the point of service delivery .
12 Now we are asked to consider this proposition in the face of local opposition which ranges from sullen resentment to armed threat — said local opposition being only some 25 supersonic minutes away for that bogeyman of the south Atlantic airways , the Super Etendard jet fighter .
13 We know that er stress er does cause exacerbation of other illnesses and er people can be away for that sort of reason .
14 In return , she offered to look after my own birds when I went away for one weekend ( it was after the war but rationing was still in force , and most people who could , kept chickens ) .
15 Helen got away for one day and they spent nine hours together in the open air .
16 Then , again inevitably , we turn away for another change of view , perhaps this time towards the Propylaea and Nike Apteros .
17 ‘ You wo n't get away for another day or two .
18 stamps of Great Britain failed to attract a buyer , and is safely stored away for next year .
19 goes , I had to pick all six up for that price , put them away for next year 's presents .
20 The only thing that we do , and we 've always done it without Neighbourhood Watch , we always make a point of telling one another when we 're gon na be away for any period of time .
21 In Pearce [ 1973 ] Crim LR 321 ( CA ) , the accused was guilty when he put a boat onto a trailer and drove it away for later use .
22 Charles and Patrick had remained in the little sitting room while John went to talk to his wife and mother before he was taken away for further debriefing .
23 You lot definitely going away for this week
24 ‘ I can only imagine someone has jumped out on her and dragged her away for some reason .
25 I had been happily chatting away for some time to my ‘ invisible ’ recorder before I realized I was not alone .
26 Father will be away for some time , and I 'm very worried . ’
27 The empty refrigerator and the absence of perishable food like bread and milk suggested that Stavanger had left expecting to be away for some time , but that conflicted with the pyjamas under the pillow in the bedroom , and the razor in the bathroom .
28 I have to put him into kennels tomorrow as I have to go away for some time and they insist that he be fully vaccinated . ’
29 He 's away for some time .
30 We have been able to use it to take clients away for short term holiday respite breaks which have proved very successful .
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