Example sentences of "away [prep] [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 This results in the Collectair library gaining valuable notes , all of which is carefully filed away for use as and when the archive that has been created over the past few years becomes available to students of aviation history .
2 Tourists clicked away with cameras as I hauled myself inelegantly over the top .
3 Having survived the worst Braintree hit back well and it became a question of how much damage Dean Ford could inflict , firing away with penalties as Romford became increasingly fractious .
4 A few , when the field was plainly already lost , crept away into cover as best they could , and lay hidden in the valley of the brook beyond Graig Hill until nightfall , to make their way home in the dark .
5 Her voice trailed away in despair as she considered just how poor a husband and father Campion Price had been to his family .
6 Ronni turned away in confusion as Guido simply went on smiling , bobbing up and down unrepentantly in the water , his dark hair plastered like strands of silk to his forehead , quite obviously thoroughly enjoying her confusion .
7 To minimize the risk of any accident you should take your dog to a quiet spot , as far away from roads as possible , when you first extend the training process beyond the immediate confines of your garden .
8 As far away from Chipchester as possible .
9 Schooling is also a problem for expatriates based away from London as there are few international schools outside the capital .
10 Provided Boy arranges a new posting for you as far away from Bumface as poss . ’
11 Now the son , Paul , would replace this patriarch merchant , about whom the kindest words an outsider might have offered were that he had an ability to survive and prosper and stay as far away from conflict as possible .
12 Less than ten yards away from Harry as he waited for the Swindon train , the same man stood examining paperbacks on a bookstall .
13 Considering the effects of language on delicate sensibilities , John Mortimer — whose main concern had been to keep the Sex Pistols as far away from court as possible — pondered that the word Maidenhead did not appear to cause the inhabitants of that town any problems .
14 Reluctantly tearing herself away from Marc as they went to ready themselves for the ceremony later on , she changed rapidly into the coat-dress bought for the wedding , then did her face and piled up her hair .
15 This shifted the conceptual focus away from needs as defined in relation to the child 's handicap towards educational needs arising from learning difficulties .
16 RSPCA officials are now urging all farmers to listen out for flood warnings and move their animals away from danger as soon as posible .
17 ‘ I think , for perhaps the first and only time in his life , William had been trying to shake off his obsession , and he did it by getting as far away from temptation as possible .
18 This time we 'll need to go as far away from humans as possible , and I do n't actually think anywhere is far enough .
19 Diana arranged her weekend in France just three weeks ago — knowing she would be away from Charles as he celebrated his 44th birthday last Saturday .
20 ‘ When we set up again , it will be as far away from Camberley as possible . ’
21 The following day 's hill race once again developed into a Swanson/Dugdale battle , with Swanson finally pulling away to victory as they completed the race on the stadium track .
22 As you know , I am away on leave as of this Friday but will be pleased to assist if you have any queries and will also be back from leave .
23 I mean to move on silently escaping , but I crash straight into a trolley , pushed by a bloke looking like one of the heavyweights in a James Bond film , so I leap away at speed as he snarls after me and knock over a pile of bean tins .
24 Wall comes in again Ormanroyd gets it clear and then it 's blast away by Greyson as we move into stoppage time .
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