Example sentences of "away [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , one local authority should not receive double the amount of grant received by another only a few miles away for the provision of exactly the same level of service , which is the case at the moment .
2 ‘ But please do n't believe that I 'm pining away for the lack of a man in my life .
3 Why do n't we just go away for the day ? ’
4 Rose and myself are away for the day . ’
5 It 's also great for families : ‘ Minders ’ give younger children their own holiday while parents sail away for the day .
6 ‘ It was his first job and he locked himself away for the day with a feather and a bottle of wine , ’ remembers Sally .
7 Hilary 's away for the day — gone on a long hike to tune himself up , as he put it .
8 Although the twins were disappointed that Kerry-Jane was away for the day , on a visit to her grandmother , they happily helped with packing the picnic into the car .
9 ah , just a sec we will go away for the day if my
10 Deuce slipped away for the drink .
11 ‘ Let's go away for the weekend , ’ he said .
12 On one occasion she packed up her car as if about to go away for the weekend , then sauntered up the street , leading the press to believe she had gone to buy a packet of Polos .
13 I had been away for the weekend and David Bowie is not the most domesticated person in the world .
14 ‘ I 've promised to take Claudia away for the weekend , and she 's not going to let me off it even though we 're so shorthanded .
15 He had hidden it , thinking it would come in useful if he persuaded any girls to go away for the weekend with him .
16 I will protect you , play games with you , take you away for the weekend .
17 She and had obviously gone away for the weekend .
18 If you go away for the weekend during the winter , leave the central heating on the minimum thermostat setting , with the programmer set to 24-hour operation and remove or prop open the loft hatch .
19 Getting away for the weekend , or even for a day of walking , is the ideal cure for those post-summer-oh-my-God-how-can-I-afford-Christmas blues .
20 It would have been different if the other girls had been in the flat , but they were both away for the weekend .
21 Mary and Reggie had gone away for the weekend , and would not be back until evening .
22 I 'd been away for the weekend to a little shack a hundred miles away .
23 Perhaps he was away for the weekend .
24 Sorry , old boy , going away for the weekend . ’
25 I thought you might be away for the weekend . ’
26 The boss is away for the weekend and I 'm on call .
27 I 've no intention of staying over there longer than I have to , and Sorrel 's away for the weekend herself . ’
28 Jean Parmiter sent her apologies for being unable to teach as arranged ; she and her husband had had to go away for the weekend .
29 They 're away for the weekend . ’
30 ‘ Only to an expert in family relationships — and I know you were away for the weekend ! ’
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