Example sentences of "little [noun sg] who had " in BNC.

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1 Then I did remember — it was Malcolm , the little queer who had scratched my face all those years ago .
2 The little miss who had recited a " Purple Pussycat " with such aplomb was beginning to find her true vocation .
3 I sat in the children 's ward , the only one left , and nursed a little boy who had once again returned , but who had developed a whooping cough complication on ‘ the day ’ itself .
4 This was fantastic for a little boy who had never seen such a toy .
5 Another interesting case is that of a little boy who had had a difficult birth and had been left slightly spastic .
6 I FEEL sorry for the parents of the little boy who had his face ripped open by an alsatian .
7 For the little boy who had found a family could not begin to understand the anguish he had unwittingly caused to the family who had lost a little boy …
8 An agonising first nine years of life , this was a little boy who had seen things that little boys and little girls should never see .
9 They had been called out to a little boy who had been playing behind the family car when his father had reversed it out of the garage .
10 I know a little boy who had that
11 Occasionally , he 'd bounce back on stage and do the whole thing with the strobe lights and everything which sent one poor little girl who had epilepsy into a fit .
12 She jumped back with a startled squeak , but Bridhe laughed ; and then she saw the little girl who had slipped in under her arm to comfort the baby .
13 Although she felt like a little girl who had gone into the wrong party room , she was determined that this woman would not keep her away from her husband .
14 Or the desperate plight of a little girl who had been in an orphanage since she was a month old .
15 The muscle wastage had caused a dropped foot — like the little girl who had been treated by Alec .
16 When I was in Moscow , my grandmother was with me and everything that I wanted she was doing for me and I was a little girl who had everything .
17 That the little girl who had sat on her granny 's knee and smiled and laughed , would grow up to give herself to anyone and everyone who asked her ?
18 I wanted her , at my convenience , to become a nurturing Mother Earth figure who would take care of my when I felt unable to cope , and the little girl who had never grown up was crying out for help and approval .
19 He came into the kitchen after a few moments and she turned away , wandering to the far side to get away from him , battling with the sudden incredible desire to break down and sob like a little girl who had done the wrong thing yet again .
20 Giggling like a child , rueful self-mockery etched on every line of her face , she applauded when a shout went up , joined in the disappointed groans when it proved a false alarm , commiserated with a rather determined little girl who had wandered into her own area of search and who thought she should have found one by now , and , thoroughly amused , by herself as much as by others , she whole-heartedly entered into the spirit of the thing .
21 Holding the tiny china figure in her hand , oblivious of the rain sleeting down , she grinned — and then caught sight of the little girl who had been so determined to find one .
22 She had been a rosy , stocky little girl who had stared at him with a bright , vacant face , her finger in her mouth .
23 So she watched , and listened , and fell a little further , and when his bleep went she went back with him to the department and they worked side by side , communicating with a gesture or a word almost in silence , each anticipating the other 's needs as they dealt with a little girl who had fallen out of a tree and broken both arms and one leg .
24 Lt Tim Kelly , 45 , a specialist in mobile air operations , said : ‘ I looked for a little girl who had been injured by shrapnel so I could have her winched aboard .
25 He was quite near , jostling among the spectators , and I had my first close look at the wild-eyed little goblin who had plagued me .
26 He tried to keep his eyes off the little man who had emerged from the ship .
27 He had two more contests in the autumn , losing both , by which time the little man who had so recently been Scotland 's pride was an alcoholic .
28 They both looked up to see a short , wiry little man who had been table-hopping beaming down at them .
29 Our guide was a dour-faced , taciturn , little man who had as much chatter and wit as a dumb-struck oaf though he knew the bridle paths and trackways of Leicestershire like the back of his hand .
30 For a second Sara looked blankly at him and then she suddenly remembered the little man who had called to see Matthew the day Fairfax had been there .
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