Example sentences of "point of [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The first is that there are serious impediments to ensuring that full and accurate records accompany each child at the point of transfer and that the secondary schools make full use of them when the primary teachers undertake their part .
2 The existing policy is one of seeking abortion on demand , up to the point of birth and without legal or medical restriction .
3 The sky was beginning to lighten to the east , streaks of day , as bright as magnesium flares , at the meeting point of sea and air set a fresh breeze stirring and whipped up a rhythm on the water 's surface .
4 The details of his arguments need not concern us here : it is the point of departure that is important .
5 The earliest significant evidence is derived from the identification of the aircraft by its type and registration letters or numbers , and from the very position of the wreckage relative to the point of departure or destination .
6 To obtain a slot write , giving day of show , aircraft type , registration , point of departure and desired arrival time , to : For all other information on the show , and advance ticket booking , call 0959 540959 .
7 For Jacqueline , as for all artists , it is the work itself that remains the point of departure and intrigue .
8 It is this degree of concentration I want you to work towards , using the haiku both as a point of departure and as a discipline you frequently return to .
9 Unlike cases of rape or indecent assault , where the survivor 's account of the episode often provides the point of departure and main focus of attention , the victim of a murder attack is dead .
10 First , he takes ‘ meaning ’ rather than knowledge or rationality as his point of departure and , secondly , his headings are less closely related to conventional subject headings : symbolics ( including language , mathematics and other non-discursive symbolic forms ) , empirics ( natural and social sciences ) , aesthetics ( the arts ) , synnoetics ( personal knowledge ) , ethics , and synoptics ( history , religion , philosophy ) .
11 Historians took Lenin 's ideas as their point of departure and model .
12 These unmarked choices are a natural extension of the function of theme , which is to provide a point of departure and orientation .
13 But I do remember that in every room he showed me I made sure I was near to the door , the safest point of exit if he tried anything .
14 Only the sailing types appreciated the problems of keeping the same bit of distant coast line ahead on the same point of sailing and in the same position relative to the other boats .
15 No real difference from alienation , then ; and given that the outcome whether of alienation or estrangement is to be the class war carried to the point of revolution and expropriation , perhaps the simple understanding is good enough .
16 Yet the irony was that there was no support in Cabinet for the proposals and they had almost reached the point of rejection when the leak took place .
17 In relation to erm Mr 's point , erm I would raise one particular point of concern and erm this is the possibility of delay in in identifying a district and an area if this step by step approach is adopted .
18 Durability is still a point of concern because most tend to lose a certain amount of loft with extended use .
19 The latter can become a point of pride and end in denying what it set out to affirm .
20 Performance is leisurely to the point of frustration and the gearbox should be improved immediately .
21 In the second part , the poem moves away from this incident to consider the point of life if all we do is destroy one another .
22 He sarcastically suggests that the story was probably invented ‘ to gratify some friends , who would be glad to hear what use can be made , even in point of life and manners , of a microscope ’ .
23 And it is n't enough for us to identify with our self , it is necessary to do so passionately , to the point of life and death .
24 She had stalked him with infinite care , she had attacked him frontally , she had thrown herself at him and teased him , and had finally reached the point of consummation where he was coming to dinner , in an empty house , wanting her .
25 What the hell 's the point of drinking if you do n't get drunk ?
26 It is precisely the actual point of disagreement that is of interest to us when we can get behind the rhetoric .
27 There is no real point of disagreement or conflict .
28 Furthermore , according to the Chancery Division in Kelsall v Stipplechoice Ltd [ 1992 ] STI 910 , the Special Commissioner 's leave to revise the assessment need not be sought if he was aware of the existence of this point of disagreement when leave was granted to raise the original assessment .
29 The execution is elaborate almost to the point of fussiness or mannerism , in strange contrast to the bold strength of form and movement .
30 A is male ( or so B believes ) ; A is acknowledged by B to have a higher social status than B ( or to be playing the role of a superior ) Obvious to the point of tediousness though some of these inferences may be , 26 they are not , on a reasonable circumscription of semantic theory , part of the semantic content of the three sentences .
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