Example sentences of "keep [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some would say that blame should begin , even end , with Rushdie himself : that this ‘ impertinent , whining guest , ’ as Lord Tebbit unforgivably called him , wrote a calculatedly provocative book , brought the predictable wrath of Islam down upon himself and has since presented the taxpayer with a multi-million pound bill for keeping due retribution at bay .
2 For a songwriter , the main advantages of owning a publishing company are usually regarded as keeping total control of , and earning 100 per cent of the income generated by , his or her songs .
3 Even monetarists would accept that monetary policy is best regarded as the means of keeping monetary growth within fairly broad medium- or long-term target ranges .
4 If the Home Secretary meant what he says about keeping public sympathy for genuine refugees , he would address the need for extra resources for the Home Office and Lunar house to speed up the procedures for asylum seeking .
5 Purity demands for legislation against prostitution , brothel-keeping and other acts of immorality often explicitly addressed problems posed by the culture of the urban poor and the difficulties of keeping public order on the streets .
6 The male 's usual pattern is to position himself on higher ground , above the females , keeping careful watch on their every move .
7 Then , with Dawn keeping careful watch on Sandy 's breathing , Sophie took up a scalpel , and , after one long moment of hesitation , she made the first incision .
8 As dawn came up in the sky we made preparations to move back to our own lines , covering our withdrawal and keeping careful watch for any signs of the enemy .
9 According to Anthony , this may vary in the extent to which it is effective in keeping actual psychosis at bay .
10 Running in a clump through a crowded station , like the Bash Street Kids , keeping perfect time with chant and clap .
11 And for many in New York , it is a game show : in the Nineties the censorship debate is keeping contemporary art in the media spotlight , just as obscene auction prices did in the Eighties .
12 The underlying goal of keeping global capitalism on course is in constant tension with the selfish and destabilizing actions of those who can not resist system-threatening opportunities to get rich quick or to cut their losses .
13 Bring the main points to the fore , keeping subordinate material in its place .
14 We have followed a policy of keeping tight control of immigration .
15 ‘ My success as a businessman has been based on keeping tight control of financial matters and that is what Newcastle United need more than anything else at the moment .
16 Seminar participants learnt that in Hong Kong , political inertia accounts for the limited public influence in cable TV ( CATV ) , while in Korea , the government is keeping tight control on its own CATV networks .
17 Some may think it foolish to restart playing at Park Avenue when fixtures are in such short supply , but a group of people dedicated to keeping first-class cricket on the famous ground have guaranteed Yorkshire £10,000 to stage a match there .
18 I think in terms of our our first duty to protect the public by keeping offenders locked up securely , yes by and large we do a good job and that , by keeping good order in prisons we do a good job generally speaking incidence are very few and far between after the mid eighties , things have settled down considerably .
19 Good for utility lawns and keeping rough grass under control .
20 ‘ We happen to be staying in the same place , and I 'm damned if I 'm keeping awake waiting for you to turn up .
21 By keeping double taxation to a minimum and cracking down on phoney transfer pricing , these international arrangements have helped boost the efficient allocation of capital worldwide .
22 They found Bertha in a slightly drowsy state that signified drugs were keeping severe pain at bay , while a long bulge beneath the bedclothes indicated that her leg was in a plaster cast .
23 Keeping open house for friends and families provides more fun and stimulation for residents .
24 In third field go forward to waymarked stile at far end , keeping just right of slight rise .
25 Walsh had accused Hayling of keeping financial information from him and the others , and Hayling had countered saying Walsh had no need or right to know .
26 Both handicapped and mentally ill persons can be helped in finding and keeping suitable employment in open industry , and given courses of rehabilitation .
27 There are shouts of encouragement , gasps as the pole wavers and , above all , the calm voice of the polemaster who must keep complete control of the situation .
28 It has now accepted that it can not keep Scottish Pride as an integral part of its business .
29 And do n't keep cooked food for more than one day — this should help prevent stomach upsets from ruining your holiday .
30 But unlike many well-meaning friends , he followed it up with a practical alternative : ‘ Tell God every detail of your needs in earnest and thankful prayer , and the peace of God , which transcends human understanding , will keep constant guard over your hearts and minds as they rest in Christ Jesus . ’
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