Example sentences of "something which [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Where Chartier went further was in asking whether nobility was something which came to a man by virtue of his birth ( and could therefore be inherited ) or whether it was accorded in recognition of merit ?
2 The head of department , for example , depicted the library project as something which had to be seen as a specific development in the context of a GRIDS exercise in which the broad range of curricular provision came under consideration .
3 Chemistry in the first half of the century was something which had to be learned by medical students , often without much pleasure ; they had to have formal if elementary courses of lectures , and textbooks .
4 She said that , in his desk , he kept a memento — something which belonged to the girl .
5 But if ideas are to fit the world there must be something which answers to that generality .
6 In the above examples , " the " has a meaning something like " the phrase which follows names something which belongs to a group which is already familiar to you " .
7 That 's one of the things , I think , that the Roman Catholics who hanker after the old Latin Mass and its ritual miss the most , and I sympathize with them in the sense that there is n't a great deal of mystery about most of the worship in most of our churches any more , and whilst it 's very right and proper for us to be very busy on practical matters , we must n't forget that there are very mysterious questions about our purpose here , about death and life , which are n't answered simply by doing things and being very busy — in fact , that may be a form of escapism — we need both , and I would hope that there will be room again in Christianity in Europe for worship to become something which speaks to the things I find mysterious , and in that respect I think the interest in spirituality and religious experience , in mysticism , in all those sort of areas about one 's personal religious life , and a lot of it not very orthodox or traditional .
8 But until we do I ca n't see that we can pass something which refers to something we know nothing about .
9 Late in 1950 the French Minister of Agriculture , Pierre Pflimlin , announced at the Council of Europe — and proposed later in March 1951 to the non-member states of Austria , Portugal and Switzerland — something which amounted to a second Schuman Plan , in that it contained similar ultimate objectives : a common market directed by supranational institutions .
10 Furthermore , since learning is something which happens to the individual and not to the group , the value of the individual to the group should be stressed .
11 So a Gettier counter-example is one in which a has a justified but false belief by inference from which he justifiably believes something which happens to be true , and so arrives at a justified true belief which is not knowledge .
12 If you have grown a beautiful rose , learnt to type or finished the Times crossword , you have succeeded in something which mattered to you .
13 Like oxygen bottles on Everest and increasing Himalayan tourism , bolting is something which has to be controlled .
14 ‘ I would say to every ambitious and able young man who is choosing to make his career in industry : first , you must realise that the way to the top is something which has to be worked out with your employer , and although you have to fight your way up in the face of keen competition your employer is not one of your competitors but is just as keen that you should reach the top as you are .
15 An imaginative " thinking what I would think , if I was in their place " is something which has to be worked at .
16 Something which seems to be soluble at some stage and the water gets hot and it 's not soluble , so we 're looking for things here that are not not soluble .
17 It may be sufficient if it imputes a quality in something which applies to an already well-known product , an important factor being whether the public will be deceived .
18 Something which appeals to me a lot is its ability to sound either blatantly digital ( with a sharp , bright quality to the effects ) , or ( if you dispense with the EQ or treat it with care ) to simulate analogue effects .
19 If , while on his litter , the mirza should pass through a bazaar and see something which appeals to him ‘ he should not make any difficulty about the price , and ought not to buy like a common trader . ’
20 But since Gide has been criticized in this respect it is something which needs to be addressed .
21 It is as if writing is seen as the inferior side of a dichotomy with speech , as if it were missing something which needs to be put back .
22 The ECSC rules required a qualified majority in the Council for such a declaration , something which proved to be impossible .
23 In spite of his distaste for ‘ frills ’ , he saw church-going as something one did out of obedience ; something which shaped the life of prayer and reminded each individual that he or she was a ‘ member incorporate in the blessed company of all faithful people ’ ; but not something which needed to be added to , still less enjoyed as a hobby .
24 The student needed to hear from the throne of the lecturer something which spoke to his intellectual condition and his religious condition , his mind and his soul , simultaneously .
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