Example sentences of "something [pron] [vb past] never " in BNC.

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1 It was something I had never admitted to myself .
2 I remember trying to help one of the sisters dress a badly wounded back — something I had never thought I could do .
3 I ran after the car waving my fist and hurling abuse and insults , something I had never done before .
4 It was something I had never done before and never would again , and it gave me great satisfaction .
5 You came into my life bringing something I had never known before .
6 Bungee Jumping was something I had never given much thought to , never mind considered actually doing myself .
7 It was Irene , for instance , who pointed out something I 'd never been able to put my finger on : that Tod ca n't talk and smile at the same time .
8 He said : ‘ It was something I 'd never given any thought to , but it was nice to be asked , and when the Ulster Branch were happy to accept my nomination I was delighted to take up the offer .
9 With Shakespeare almost every time that I read more than forty lines , I see something I 'd never seen before , which is demonstrably there .
10 With Shakespeare , almost every time I read more than forty lines , I see something I 'd never seen before , which is demonstrably there .
11 Bernini is evidently attempting to render something quite transcendental and something which had never been attempted by a sculptor before that date .
12 No no that was , that was erm a com a completely er something which had never happened before
13 She could see its possibilities straight away , something she had never seen in those gloomy other chambers .
14 Once for something she had never found out about .
15 This was something she had never even heard of , so we spent quite a long time discussing hypnosis , regression and how the techniques could be applied to her situation .
16 Sitting alone and still grieving , in the one-bedroom bungalow , she did something she had never done in all her 38 years of married life .
17 She would go off alone for long walks over the cliffs — something she had never done before in winter .
18 In desperation , she secretly telephoned Louise , something she had never done before .
19 Every time she shouted at him or reacted to something he had said , it seemed to reveal something she had never meant to let him see .
20 Not while Julius 's hands moved over her with quickening need , his skin burned steadily against hers , and his voice murmured in her ear , the words unintelligible but his tone telling her something she had never expected to hear again .
21 It was something she had never felt before .
22 It was feeling a deep ache of loss for something she had never had in the first place .
23 It was something she had never anticipated , a circumstance which filled her with alarm .
24 So serene , in fact , that after we 'd had a meal at the bungalow and a few drinks my mother did something she 'd never done before .
25 She bought a pine table from a junk shop and slowly sandpapered it down in the garden , and then sealed it , something she 'd never done before , never even thought of doing before .
26 She knew about anal sex , but it was something she 'd never been asked to do .
27 It was something she 'd never done before , or dreamt of doing .
28 She 'd fought the sensation as long as she could and then she 'd done something she 'd never done before , she 'd deliberately looked into the sea of faces , looked unerringly to the rear of the crowded room …
29 ‘ They 'd tell us stories about the Cuban Revolution and we 'd sit round getting drunk and nostalgic about something we had never been in . ’
30 And they were b doing quite happily and quite merrily with all the bits and pieces they had to pack until they came to something they 'd never packed before .
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