Example sentences of "something [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You 're often looking for somewhere , a garage or something off the motorway just for the toilet or a drink
2 The Russians would much rather deal with a right-wing conservative any day because they know where they stand , rather than a left-wing liberal who might do something off the wall , like act on principle , for heaven 's sake .
3 But it sounds to me as though it 's taking something off the telephone , which is simple in n it ?
4 Huy stooped to pick something off the ground , that lay three-quarters hidden in the rough yellow grass that grew around the sides of the stone .
5 b ) People like the trolleys to keep moving slowly when they reach out to take something off the shelf .
6 Yeah , yeah I think they want twelve , twelve ninety nine or something off the market
7 I usually take something off the peg , hope that it fits , take it home and if it does n't , try taking it back .
8 Viewers , when presented with a shot in which the subject is seen looking at something off the screen , will assume that the next shot will show whatever it was that the person was looking at .
9 But can I tell you something off the record ? ’
10 which er it costs one pound something for the insurance .
11 She added something for the panel to remember her by — sheer seamed black tights with black and grey checked flat shoes and , on the lapel of her jacket , a blue glass antique brooch .
12 and there was a lot of waste , but these new tables did bring that , it was something for the company it was more than anything , you know cos we were on the bonus system .
13 And I think that is the message which I want to get over to you , because if you can find that way to tread that difficult line which is there in our society which is over-protective , over-secretive , which is concerned about not not letting people unless they 're of a certain rank , level or certain job , speak out publicly unless you can break through it I think you 're actually , first of all , denying something for yourselves , and that you 're denying something for the public at large .
14 Something for the gentleman .
15 The employee top 10 features those companies which are expanding fastest , and it says something for the performance of WPP that it has managed to perform well in eps and return on capital terms at the same time as it has achieved that expansion .
16 Harold Macmillan was by no means alone at that time in looking forward to a government of Mosley and the younger men who would do something for the country at last .
17 Meanwhile viewer reaction slot Biteback ( 4.30pm , BBC1 ) does something for the country 's frustrated football commentators .
18 My sister was sent off to boarding school near Bournemouth to improve her health and was near starved , but Mother always managed to find something for the home fare — I remember a great day when she found the butcher 's bare and bought a goose that was available and that we certainly should n't have had it in normal circumstances and I was quick to see it was an ill wind that did nobody any good !
19 It says something for the delicacy of the proposal that it comes not from the Japanese government , but from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party .
20 Something for the MEDAU NEWS , please write it if you would — Not too long and not too short — we know you 'll make it good ! ’
21 The girls were wanting something done , partitioned off up the back or something for the draught coming under
22 ‘ I hoped that perhaps you had been doing something for the welfare of these poor peoples , ’ persisted Daisy .
23 But he 'd sat there listening , with that sneering smile of his , drinking Ban 's claret as if he was doing the Braithwaites a great favour , while Ben , who 'd had his share of claret too , lamented the fall of the Whig government , which might have done something for the manufacturing classes , and the election of the land-owning Tories , that bunch of country squires like the Larks , who would not .
24 But if the asserted proposition is about Ruritania , then surely it must be false , for in that case the subject term has a reference , i.e. there is something for the proposition to be true about If , on the other hand , the proposition is true , then by the same token it can not be about Ruritania , for Ruritania does not exist ; it is fiction .
25 If you ca n't , but would n't mind keeping the draft till you 're in Prague ( it 's good for six months ) , it may be less of a hassle cashing it there , especially as the bank in Brno may charge you something for the transaction .
26 He says the children were singing ’ always look on the bright side of life ’ which says something for the spirit of the school .
27 ‘ There has something for the listener to contribute , to make it personal for them . ’
28 If they are trying to use me to get something for the museum , then I shall think of something else .
29 We went to him and said : ‘ We have hidden something for the Man under one of your boats . ’
30 An and find out as much as possible an and then erm try and get on to something for the year after .
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