Example sentences of "something [verb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Beauty therefore meant decoration , something applied to the surface of objects .
2 Something fluttered to the floor as she did so .
3 Something fluttered to the floor .
4 Every type of restaurant and café will have something to appeal to the health-conscious customer — though , in some places , like pubs and snack bars , you may have to look a little harder .
5 Something happening to the horses ? ’
6 I detect something happening to the profile of the flying binbag ; at the top of its arc the shape bulges in its upper surface , a small clenched fist bursts through , punching the dark .
7 Women have long been politically active ; it is not something confined to the present wave of feminism .
8 In their bedroom something crashed to the floor , which immediately woke one of the twins who began to howl .
9 The only way to solve it is for something to be done to those four officers , something done to the Korean lady who shot the girl , something done to the Compton policeman who killed those two Samoan brothers …
10 The only way to solve it is for something to be done to those four officers , something done to the Korean lady who shot the girl , something done to the Compton policeman who killed those two Samoan brothers …
11 Something dropped to the floor , there was a rattle of paper .
12 long time to remember what 's going to happen in three months ' time , but if it 's something related to an event like Christmas or Easter or something like that , a lot of , a lot of press people are always thinking ‘ What the hell am I going to do that 's different for Christmas or Easter or so forth , ’ so if you do a signal , lay on a special event related to a , a time , in other words a sort of custom , a calendar custom-type event , they 're going to appreciate that notice because they may do some forward planning which would actually help them in that respect .
13 But it must have been something connected to the the French when the they said it was French polishing .
14 In the case of words which combine a fairly definite descriptive meaning with a valuational meaning it is rather a puzzle to say what correct linguistic usage bids one do , if one recognizes that something answers to the descriptive meaning , but does not have the attitude towards it which the word expresses in virtue of its ‘ value charge ’ , as one might put it .
15 It is always news when something happens to a tram !
16 Accidents can and do happen , but if something happens to the horse , however minor , tell the owner — do n't let her find out that it has overreached or whatever , when she next looks at her horse .
17 During his time at Cuddesdon something happened to the Church of England , at the national level , which left an indelible mark upon many young ordinands of the time , and certainly upon Michael Ramsey .
18 SOMETHING happened to the old rock and mountain studies in the mid-1960s .
19 A long time ago — many thousands of years — something happened to the sun which shines on that world .
20 something that it , either it is successful in itself and it no , no longer needs to be subsidized or something that they want to see go to the wall , if they want to see something going to the wall , it
21 Something sprang to the floor and he mashed it with a large flying-boot .
22 She observed the way his foot twitched under the table with strange flicks , as though he was trying to shake off something stuck to the sole of his shoe .
23 Kelly notes that builders are constrained by the threat of lawsuits should something happen to a structure built outside normal building codes .
24 Monism , dualism , pluralism , although apparently in conflict with one another , all have something to contribute to a comprehensive view of style .
25 Despite these problems , natural law and rights-based theories undoubtedly have something to contribute to an understanding and development of law in a broader social perspective .
26 He was not clever or epigrammatic in the Union manner and only occasionally witty , but always spoke as though he had something to contribute to the debate .
27 the group you do n't have to be an expert on something to contribute to the group .
28 It 's a trivial offence , something tossed to the reviewers .
29 There is at least one similarity between the two approaches : there has to be some mechanism by which something corresponding to a complex ref-O is represented .
30 Finally , it seems also to be a taken-for-granted principle that in human affairs where there is order there is something corresponding to a rule to be looked for in the background of the actions which appear as orderly .
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