Example sentences of "course [pers pn] is [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Of course he is a child ! ’ came the quick response , so sharp that a coughing fit inevitably followed .
2 ‘ Of course he is a very good liar , that 's part of his fantasies .
3 Indeed it is a feature of this scene that the tension is kept up to the very last pizzicato , and of course it is no accident that Britten , when he made the concert version of the fourth interlude , had to jump to the last two pages of the act to get his conclusion .
4 ( a ) There is usually no real way to be sure that the piece of equipment devised is adequate for the purpose unless of course it is a straight copy of an existing commercial model .
5 Oh , yes , yes of course it is a Scottish place
6 Of course it is a claimant-based system — no one has ever hidden that fact .
7 So , I did what I learnt to do as a working-class woman , which was to justify why I did my work by saying , well of course it is a metaphor for all kinds of struggle , and of course it is , but actually the original reason was n't that at all .
8 All this applies to open-ground sowings , and of course it is the crops from these that move fastest as they suffer no transplanting adjustments .
9 Of course it is the thought , not the calculation , that counts .
10 And of course it is the sort of thing one would have told people — something special , idiosyncratic and yet not too intimate about you , and a trait in which ( naturally ) you seemed to take some pride … . ’
11 If there is a single most important component of this course it is the notion that parents , not professionals , solve problems .
12 In the school on whose work the Curriculum Development Project 's notebook was based , not all the sub-topics picked out by Mrs Ball were taken up , and of course it is the joy of a topic of this kind that this does not matter ; one is not concerned with " covering the syllabus " and " getting everything in " , but providing the stimulus for valuable enquiry , the development of interest and of concepts , and the practice of a variety of skills .
13 But of course it is the individual who attracts the photographer in the first place ( and in this instance we know the reverse to be true ) , and Yass is obviously keen to sharpen our awareness of the personal face-to-face aspect of these relationships .
14 And of course it is the whole modernity of the image which strikes us as revealing , and reflects the fluidity in Rey suggested above by ‘ G … ’ in the Courrier des spectacles ( 1800 ) : he ‘ hardly any longer lets us perceive that he holds a baton ’ .
15 I mean it 's it 's happened and I was ha I was so interested in the subject that I asked Mr for a copy of the report where it goes back in the history and of course it is the history of trading standards and , and so on .
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