Example sentences of "most [adj] thing [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And finally she said , ‘ That 's the most vulgar thing I 've ever seen in my life . ’
2 As Sheila Kitzinger , the birth expert , wrote : ‘ The most undermining thing you can do to a woman in labour is to encourage her to feel sorry for herself . ’
3 The clothes his cousin , Lady Angela , chose for me were quite the most fabulous things you 've ever seen . "
4 King , reviled by many , but acknowledged as an expert in the cynical exploitation of the pop world sniped : ‘ I thought when Kylie Minogue did ‘ I Should Be So Lucky , Lucky , Lucky , ’ it was one of the most awful things I have ever heard .
5 The most revealing thing he said , though , was that his image of rugby is a lot of guys putting their heads together and getting dirty and drinking beer after the game .
6 There is also a mention if the cargo contribution to airlines which for the passenger carriers is , at 50 per cent return on revenue , the most profitable thing they have in the market at the moment .
7 It 's the most profitable thing you can do .
8 ‘ The most foolish thing I ever did was take her to the Foundling .
9 ‘ My residential project was one of the most demanding things I had to do , ’ says Martin .
10 The depths that Ace seemed prepared to sink to just to hurt and wound her were the most painful things she 'd experienced since the start of their relationship .
11 One of the most exciting things you can do with Harris 's hawks is what 's called ‘ flying a cast ’ .
12 She considers this ‘ probably the most exciting thing I 've been involved with .
13 ‘ I was there for her birth and it was the most exciting thing I have ever experienced ! ’ exclaimed the father of the baby , and the owner of a home movie of strictly limited appeal .
14 ‘ Playing pool is about the most exciting thing I do now . ’
15 If you saw it over the weekend I mean there was I think it was group sex er it was it wa was gay sex and it was all going on I mean it was all I thought it was the most exciting thing I have seen for a long time to be quite honest .
16 Most to the point is Stendhal : ‘ I shall say nothing of Pompeii : it is the most astonishing , most fascinating , most entertaining thing I have ever come across ; only there can one get to know the ancient world . ’
17 They were as shy as I was and the effort they made to be friendly was the most heartening thing I had experienced since I had been taken prisoner .
18 There 's enough examples of that and you read , the most peculiar thing I , I think I was telling , I do n't know if I was telling Iris I have a notion I had , had it in my mind to tell you and you turned up with this blind girl to do this M C
19 — the most interesting thing he has to say is that sadism and masochism are always present in the same person : a masochist is a frustrated sadist , and a sadist is a frustrated masochist . ’
20 ‘ In fact , it 's permanently in storage and it 's probably the most interesting thing he ever painted , but the subject matter makes it a little , how shall I put it , undesirable for public display . ’
21 And that , I am afraid , is just about the most interesting thing you can say about it .
22 What think think wha what 's the most interesting thing you 've
23 This was the most interesting thing she had ever heard Elizabeth say , because it had undertones of cynicism , of self-mockery .
24 I 've only been in Dick 's flat once and the most interesting thing I 've gleaned about him is that he never uses washing-up liquid and he has a rather interesting pile of yellowing press cuttings sitting on a shelf .
25 It is one of the most popular things I have ever done . ’
26 They are the most popular thing we sell , ’ she said .
27 It had six million viewers and it 's by far the most popular thing I 've done , but I do think it was watched by all types and ages of people . ’
28 Also , a wimpy , terror-free version of ‘ All Along The Watchtower ’ is the most superfluous thing you 'll come across .
29 ‘ It was the most gruesome thing I 've ever seen , ’ said Nigerian-born Dr Alban — real name Alban Nwapa , who this week has shot to No 2 with It 's My Life .
30 Erm now driving is probably the most dangerous thing you do , unless you bunjy jump or abseil or do other daft Well they 're maybe not daft things to people who do them , but certainly they 're potentially dangerous .
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