Example sentences of "high [noun sg] [noun] also " in BNC.

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1 Their high delinquency level also puts them at a further distance .
2 Relapses in high grade patients also seem to be ominous events as both patients who relapsed have died .
3 The high surface temperatures also mean that there can be no accessible repositories of water in which the water exists as H 2 O whether as a separate phase or in some molecular combination .
4 High Performance Fortran also supports parallel applications that do n't need to share data through an independent directive .
5 To maintain a high level of performance in modern parallel architectures , High Performance Fortran also provides non-uniform memory access capabilities .
6 In addition , High Performance Fortran also includes several intrinsic functions , which enquire about machine size and the distribution of an array .
7 Each city and settlement trains and equips a body of spearmen and archers in proportion to their population , the retinues of the High Elf nobles also contribute to the levy .
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