Example sentences of "again [conj] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It would be good to see old England again and even if I did n't find her I could tell myself I 'd just tried that little bit .
2 Again and where and .
3 One of the other things , of course , we 've got to always bear in mind when we und , try to understand the parables of Jesus is that you can not , and Jesus never meant for us , to find us u our , you know a parallel for every single little detail , the for for the colour of this , or the colour of that , or th the shape of something else , he did n't expect us and did n't mean for us to find out a pa a a parallel , a meaning for every single detail because otherwise you 're gon na be contradicting yourself again and again but what we must see is , what is the main basic truth that Jesus is teaching here ?
4 Mr Powell was never to regain any sizeable base among Conservative MPs but Mr Tebbit , after leaving the Cabinet , has proved again and again that when combining with Mr Michael Heseltine or other factions within the party he can rally a significant number of MPs .
5 Lisa B says again and again that she knows as a model going into music she has to prove herself .
6 But a bitterly disappointed Dmowski was moved to complain again and again that Wilson simply did not appreciate the importance of Danzig to the Poles , and was incapable of thinking like a European .
7 Oh , the doctors and nurses had assured her again and again that she was fine and would soon be fit and well again .
8 It has asserted again and again that it will not adopt Unix SVR4 outright , and even seemed to have thrown in its lot with the Open Software Foundation when the Advanced Computing Environment launched its initiative last year .
9 One sees again and again that such people grow in outside interests .
10 " Although I did my utmost to preserve an emotional detachment " , he writes , " I found again and again that the material under my hands was strangely alive ; it spoke to my condition in the most uncanny way . "
11 She set off down the slope , forcing herself not to run , telling herself again and again that it was all right ; that her fears were unfounded .
12 I told myself again and again that he loved me and that was what counted .
13 Will he emphasise again and again that the victims of terrorism are not just those who are maimed , injured and killed but the many people who are put on the dole because terrorism deters investment from elsewhere in Europe ?
14 But , no matter how much she wished to avoid returning to Mariánské Láznë , the answer kept coming back again and again that that was her only option .
15 It will inevitably happen for some that Housman 's Horace is not the reader 's Horace , and that readers will grumble and go in search of more and later Englishings — for it seems we must " English " this poet again and again if we are to keep up with him where he stands still , at the end of the first century BC .
16 so I got together with a couple of blokes from school ‘ Hold Your Head Up ’ by Argent was in the charts at the time We 'd play that again and again and again It was the only bass line I could play properly — because it 's so simple , it 's exactly the same all the way through .
17 Hutt panicked and struck again and again and again until his defenceless victim fell to the floor .
18 The Millwall brick , for example , was a newspaper folded again and again and squashed together to form a cosh .
19 And with its slow motion feature you can watch the winning goal again and again and again …
20 When light dawns as to what we are fighting for and why it is so difficult to achieve , sometimes we can break off and laugh with relief and take the steps to reconciliation that , again and again and again seem to be necessary .
21 Up and down and over and over , again and again and I 'd marvel at the bulk of prayer they made in any one day .
22 As he stared at her he knew that he had come to a crossroads , that if he gave in to her now he 'd have to give into her again and again and again .
23 It flew a total of 26 hours in this configuration before it was sold again and again and again , and then finally traded for a two-place P-51 .
24 Jason 's role called on him to kiss Jennifer — again and again and again .
25 They go on again and again and so Carson never has to sit at their feet .
26 Block this re-uptake , and the transmitters will just sit in the synaptic gap , stimulating the receptors again and again and again .
27 While the preparatory drafts , drawn up in Rome before the Council opened and very largely rejected by the fathers , had made heavy use of scholastic terminology and not much of Scripture — as was generally characteristic of pre-conciliar theology — the Council almost systematically reversed this , eliminating scholastic terms again and again and falling back on biblical ones .
28 And sure I , I 'm sure that the , the I mean th th the sentiment is more or less universal , I mean virtually everybody is opposed to war and yet again and again and again the leaders , who pay lip service
29 She had become tougher on Creggan , saying that he must use what little space there was in his cage to practise flight — turning , wheeling , lifting himself again and again and again … for she said that the day might come when he would need those skills .
30 In the black night outside , the wind screamed , and the big waves crashed against the rocks , again and again and again .
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