Example sentences of "ask if [pron] want " in BNC.

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1 The day before we finished mixing ‘ UF Orb ’ , Robert Fripp phoned and asked if we wanted any guitaring on the album … ’
2 He asked if we wanted to watch him feed the birds .
3 So I asked if we wanted anything ?
4 Like a scene from a pantomime , he asked if they wanted a single currency and to have other countries interfering in Britain 's immigration controls .
5 The two men have different versions of the meeting which followed , and there were no witnesses except for a waiter who interrupted them in the middle of the shouting match and asked if they wanted any sandwiches .
6 Once , the doorkeeper popped his head out and asked if they wanted to hand in autograph books .
7 He stopped when he saw them and asked if they wanted to come with him .
8 So I asked if they wanted anything and she said a bed at the cottage hospital
9 I asked if he wanted a drink .
10 After a moment 's pause , Julia asked if he wanted her to go to the telegraph office for him .
11 ‘ Mrs Wright asked if I wanted a lift home , then she went to that house , the one in the photograph . ’
12 An upper-class homosexual-looking man with white hair and glittering eyes came up to me and asked if I wanted to go to a Black Mass .
13 When I said she did n't , he rang for his chauffeur and told me he was going to see her and asked if I wanted to go with him .
14 Eventually I went along to the British Association of Psychotherapists , where I was assessed and asked if I wanted to see a male or a female therapist .
15 My social worker who gave me advice asked if I wanted adoption or fostering , and I said fostering ( it was a white family ) .
16 The interest of the BBC 's Heart of the Matter was triggered by Newsnight and that , in turn , caught the attention of a researcher on Wogan , Mandy Nixon , who asked if I wanted to appear on the programme .
17 Mandeville still sulked in the hall whilst the old beldames in Southgate 's chamber cackled with laughter and asked if I wanted them to wash me ?
18 ‘ Only because I could n't work out how you were doing it , ’ I said , and she laughed some more and asked if I wanted to join her friends .
19 ‘ I could n't understand why the front door would not open and this young fellow appeared and asked if I wanted any help .
20 I was soaked from lying in manky bog-like horrids , stalking some half-witted bird around lava lagoons , and John asked if I want tea .
21 She sat down without a word and shook her head when Whitlock asked if she wanted coffee .
22 Plummer called through and asked if she wanted a drink .
23 These funny-looking blokes just turned up on the doorstep with rolls of carpet over their shoulders asking if we wanted to buy them .
24 I recently wrote to all Second Division clubs asking if they wanted to retain terracing and every reply to date says yes .
25 Cos I , I were asking if they wanted a baked tatie and that and we stood waiting for them and you noticed on sack
26 Tory vice-chairman Andrew Mitchell has written to all candidates asking if they want to remain on the list and requesting a new CV .
27 ‘ I wish , ’ said Douglas Hurd , with all the authority of a member of Pop , ‘ that Archer would not go round his wretched parties asking if one wanted ‘ some Krug ’ .
28 I was only asking if you wanted any assistance . ’
29 So I take my time , not asking if he wants Cellophane gift-wrapping but just doing it really slowly and then I say I done the VAT wrong .
30 His dad who was always popping in asking if anyone wanted to come down the pub — he was always off to the pub — also wrote the lyrics to our first song , ‘ Scarface ’ They were truly horrendous : ‘ Scarface , scarface , scarred from ear to ear , Scarface , the girls do n't even care .
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