Example sentences of "ask for [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 yes that was at quarter past eight Saturday morning and at ten to eight my aunty came at night and went fucking mad she said I want a dressing and I want it now , twelve hours ago I asked for that dressing and were n't done then came
2 Commitment to a performance target is not assured because a boss asked for that commitment .
3 He asked for that camera for his birthday this year . ’
4 He looked at his master rather anxiously as he spoke , and Cornelius Fennell , catching that warning eye , perversely asked for another piece .
5 Little was heard of the committee until six months later when Billy asked for another group meeting .
6 On May 13th , after days of heavy selling by the markets — and heavy buying by Spain 's central bank — the government suspended its obligation to defend the peseta , and asked for another realignment of the system .
7 When he emerged , Dr Shakhar seemed to think that the talk had gone well and then asked for another audience .
8 So he turned into Gambrinus 's and sat himself down at a small ironwork and marble table , and asked for some water .
9 Hilary Burden asked for some expert views — and , overleaf , we ask your opinion
10 When the pope asked for some sign by which he could tell ‘ which requests are important to us and are dear to our heart , and which are not ’ , Edward indicated early in the new year that he would mark such requests with the words Pater Sancte , written in his own hand , but he promised that these requests would be employed with restraint — ‘ only as we can and ought ’ .
11 The bank asked for some security for this amount and the defendant promised by letter to charge certain goods and to pay the proceeds thereof to the bank against the overdraft .
12 Only querulous pupils and awkward governors at interviews asked for some justification for studying it .
13 Eventually he was taken into the West Sussex hospital and when Mr Smith visited him , he asked for some chlorodyne .
14 We were given to understand that you asked for this article . ’
15 Erm now councillor and I asked for this matter to be brought to this chamber because erm we felt that the matter w was important enough that all members of this council should have an opportunity to debate it .
16 What we do know is that I M R O asked for this information in June nineteen eighty-eight and not long afterwards I M R O granted recognition to B I M and other Maxwell Companies , all the more surprising perhaps having raised the questions whether the question must come about , did they continue with their investigation , or did they let the matter drop and perhaps you might to comment in that context .
17 The Ministry of Supply asked for any kind of bone except the backbone of a kipper .
18 I asked for more work — anything to keep my mind occupied .
19 At the outset we asked for more help from the congregation .
20 I asked for more money because of Zadak : I wanted to give him money for rain .
21 If I analyse the bosses I 've worked for , the ones who irritated me the most were the ones who were indecisive and who constantly asked for more information just to delay making a decision .
22 The US Federal Trade Commission is reviewing a new staff report on the anti-trust allegations against Microsoft Corp , but a decision on the matter probably is still weeks away , lawyers familiar with the case told the Wall Street Journal : with a two-to-two vote in February , the commission did n't accept staff recommendations to seek an injunction preventing the company from using its market power to engage in allegedly unfair competitive practices ; after the tied vote , the commissioners asked for more information in an effort to resolve the deadlock ; the status report , which was delivered to commissioners last week , provides additional support for the staff 's call for action .
23 And when I say I asked for more polenta , you will know that we were dealing with an intake situation of Road to Damascus proportions .
24 Magistrates adjourned the hearing until later today after a solicitor asked for more time to consult his clients .
25 The committee clerk sent out a simple questionnaire asking for such information as : How many times was planning permission given in conflict with the policies of a Local or Structure Plan ; How many times was permission given against the advice of planning officers .
26 So I would suggests he erects a collection box and a sign clearly marked asking for all car owners to pay their levies .
27 Here , the doctor has specified the generic or chemical name of the medicine — it 's like asking for own brand baked beans rather than Heinz in a supermarket .
28 He might just as well have said : ‘ It 's all very well asking for more money for the railways , but if the volume of rail freight were doubled , it would still be only a mere 16 per cent of the rail-and-road total . ’
29 They 're simply asking for more money to spent with no concerns about the value for money , and surely it was the Conservatives who used to tell us ten or fifteen years ago , that you could n't judge the quality of a service by the amount of money spent on it .
30 Eighteen months ago they would n't have been asking for more money
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