Example sentences of "ask if [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When we got home my mother asked if we had had a good time and Syl said with great enthusiasm that we had .
2 Often we would design something specially ; if someone rang and asked if we had a Mexican outfit for a feature on Mexican clothes we 'd say ‘ yes ’ and within a day have a sample made up which fitted in with a Mexican look . ’
3 We were getting on great and at the end they asked if we had drink at home .
4 One energetic character asked if we minded waiting while he climbed another two hundred feet to see what the view over a nearby rise was like .
5 The day before we finished mixing ‘ UF Orb ’ , Robert Fripp phoned and asked if we wanted any guitaring on the album … ’
6 He asked if we wanted to watch him feed the birds .
7 So I asked if we wanted anything ?
8 Before I left , she gave me a long talk on the re-wiring of her flat and asked if we have old-fashioned fuse-boxes .
9 ‘ I … asked if they meant the famous Thelwall , ’ Walsh reported .
10 I asked if they knew the way to the Sanctum .
11 When he told me that he had inherited the cardinal 's robes of his predecessor , Cardinal Heenan , and I asked if they fitted , he said , ‘ No .
12 Mr Martin stood and asked if they had reached a verdict .
13 Half the people asked if they had sex with the radio on were listening to the Radio 1 star , just voted Britain 's top DJ .
14 I have to report , though , that it was here my own trust in the French as the most obdurately literate of all nations was dented when I went into a bookshop and asked if they had a copy of the Song of Roland .
15 On the journey back , she asked if they had slept together — in fact , jocularly , if Jessica had notched up another broken heart — but Jessica shook her head , without the usual laugh .
16 I actually ran onto the green and asked if they realised this , but they said they had talked about it but rejected the idea .
17 I just went from person to person and asked if they needed help when a policeman asked me to come and take a look at Johnathan .
18 People are rung up , asked if they watched a particular TV programme yesterday , and questioned about their recall of the commercials that appeared in it .
19 Like a scene from a pantomime , he asked if they wanted a single currency and to have other countries interfering in Britain 's immigration controls .
20 The two men have different versions of the meeting which followed , and there were no witnesses except for a waiter who interrupted them in the middle of the shouting match and asked if they wanted any sandwiches .
21 Once , the doorkeeper popped his head out and asked if they wanted to hand in autograph books .
22 He stopped when he saw them and asked if they wanted to come with him .
23 So I asked if they wanted anything and she said a bed at the cottage hospital
24 He returned with a symphonic battle piece , and when I asked if he realized the significance of the words he admitted he did not know what they meant ! )
25 I just asked if he 'd got the other half of this card
26 The superintendent asked if he thought Nicola could do the job better .
27 Continued on Page 3 Continued from Page 1 Asked if he thought the fans demonstrating outside the court were representative of Spurs supporters , he said : ‘ Tottenham has a following of 29,000 people I only saw 25 . ’
28 I asked if he knew what had happened to her .
29 She asked if he knew a ‘ vile jacobin villain ’ who had led astray a young man from her parish called Burnett .
30 When engaged in writing the naval history of the war , he had of course accumulated more material , both British and German , than he was ever able to use ; and one day over coffee at Cambridge I asked if he knew of any naval occasion of the Second World War which had not yet been told and which , in his view , ought to be .
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