Example sentences of "where [adj] [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 More generally , it seems that there are many cases where prenominal adjectives express occasion values , and not a few where a characteristic , in his sense , is expressed by a postnominal adjective .
2 The Warsaw Pact might no longer be a threat to the West , but what was the future of NATO in the new era where Allied nations sought to realise the so-called ‘ peace dividend ’ by cutting defence spending ?
3 There are four other points where adverbial expressions occur sentence-initially , sentences 6 ( At first ) , 18 ( Then ) , I9 ( Generally ) , and 22 ( Also ) .
4 For example , in a tree where each nodes takes 16 bytes , compressing the -ed endings would save 196448 bytes .
5 Large new windows have undoubtedly been the ruin of many barns , introducing voids where solid facades dominated , producing shiny surfaces amidst matt , weathered ones .
6 While the latter seems the most likely cause in many blends where specific interactions have been identified , miscible blends can also be obtained when certain statistical copolymers are mixed with either a homopolymer , or another copolymer , in which no such interactions have been located .
7 Their main benefit is that they allow the applications software to be independent of the physical printing device as opposed to the normal case where specific routines have to be written for each device .
8 Personalised clothing — so essential to maintain dignity — may be washed in ‘ launderette ’ departments where lower temperatures required for heat-labile fabrics are used .
9 There have also been a few cases where junior members have successfully challenged senior colleagues in contests for sub committee chairmanships .
10 There were dwarf fan palms where lazy lizards sought shade from the hot sun and thick-leaved aloes which Ruth skirted with care — the points were like needles .
11 Had the survey been set within an authority ( like Oxfordshire , the West Riding of Yorkshire or Berkshire ) where progressive methods had been longer practised , the findings might well have been radically different .
12 Who would decide where regional boundaries begin and end .
13 The , the problem was of course , this was a culture where adolescent girls do not contradict important American ladies who are talking to them through interpreters .
14 Monster-loving children will enjoy My Favourite Monsters by Vincent James ( Hazar £7.99 ) where friendly beasts inhabit a child 's bedroom .
15 He is happy to write about the monarchy because he believes royalty is ‘ the point where divine qualities become ordinary human qualities ’ .
16 Finally , attention will focus on the specific problems of island nations in the developing world where agricultural impacts have been particularly severe .
17 Intervention of this sort occurred in most areas where European powers showed interest .
18 She spoke scathingly of Por Tanssie and said it was a place where rich men paid for position and status with sons .
19 Similar microfloras have been found almost everywhere in both polar regions where ahumic soils exist .
20 Round here used to be where working men lived .
21 Samantha wandered out through the plastic strips of a door-curtain to where death-dealing lorries thundered down Mondano 's main street .
22 A prominent feature was the surviving aggregates of endocrine cells marking the former position of glandular bases where colonic crypts had been destroyed ( Fig 2B ) , a feature characteristically seen in graft v host disease .
23 That is only one of a series of incidents in the CAA 's files where conflicting transmissions have led to dangerous situations .
24 This is a key area where professional accountants have already begun to experiment — the 1991 environmental accounts of the Dutch company BSO/Origin , for instance , are reproduced and show what can be done with a bit of imagination and lateral thinking .
25 Thorns ( 1968 ) , from empirical work in Nottinghamshire , defined three types of village : first , villages with an established pattern of stratification based on the traditional rural economy or squirearchy ; second , villages in a state of transition ; and third , re-established villages where professional newcomers have taken over the dominant roles .
26 In other words , the most likely occasions for associative use of the word to qualify what is in fact a performance from the professional acrobat 's repertoire — as when we are confronted by the sight of a lady standing on a man 's shoulders and juggling with Indian clubs — would be occasions when it is very likely that we can just as well describe the actions as acrobatic in their own right ; and on the other hand , ascriptive use of the word is likely to be rather rare except , precisely , in those circumstances where professional acrobats form part of the context , so that an associative use would be equally justified .
27 No indeed , this is in fact er about the twelfth meeting in a series , the first meeting was in 1973 , where 75 scientists came together to deliberate about 50 genes which were known at that time .
28 Naked to stakes where fiery feathers blazed .
29 Shooting quiz : Three men are being questioned after a Catholic was shot and wounded at his west Belfast home in an area where Loyalist killers have staged a series of hit-and-run attacks .
30 In countries where state-owned enterprises have typically been scattered among different economic sectors alongside private capital , the conventional form of public enterprise directly responsible to a ministry has been supplemented by the state holding company ; for example , IRI in Italy , and INI and INH ( the oil and gas sector holding company ) in Spain .
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