Example sentences of "same [noun] as they " in BNC.

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1 As with the free ion , the inter-electronic effects depend on a number of complicated integrals ; these can be expressed in terms of Racah parameters , but B and C do not have the same values as they have for the free ion .
2 The Doctor had assured them that they were now on the same level as they had started on , but Francis was n't convinced .
3 On the beach a speck moved in the same direction as they did .
4 The courts can order presses to be stopped for the same reasons as they can order assets to be frozen or property to be returned .
5 Events there were taking much the same course as they had in Portugal , and as Mark had resolved that problem in double quick time , he was considered the best man to deal with this new problem situation .
6 Ms Harman also claimed the Conservatives had ‘ ruthlessly fiddled the NHS waiting list figures with the same ruthlessness as they fiddled the unemployment figures , ’ and had created a two-tier health service .
7 That His Majesty , understanding that the Forest Laws are grievous to the Subjects of this Kingdom … out of his Grace and Goodness to his people , is willing to lay down all the new Bounds of his Forests … reduced to the same Condition as they were before the late justices Seat held .
8 Other implied terms seen in the context of hire include an obligation to deliver the goods in substantially the same condition as they were inspected by the hirer .
9 I understood because I felt the same fear as they did .
10 The right hon. Member for Hertsmere blew the whistle on his colleagues when he disarmingly said that , when he privatised electricity , he would not make the same cock-up as they had done with British Telecom and British Gas .
11 They watched television with pleasure , but treated its political messages with much the same scepticism as they did ordinary speeches and broadcasts : it did not seem that television had greater persuasive power to mould Zuwaya minds than other media .
12 The new provinces occupied pretty much the same areas as they do today .
13 HOLYWOOD — Coach Norman Crawford 's squad is along the same lines as they defend their League and Kirk Cup titles .
14 At that time erm , I was a commercial traveller and Harlow was part of my district and they reluctantly accepted the fact that because I was a commercial traveller working in Harlow that I actually did work in Harlow which was stretching a point , but I really think that the Development Corporation 's officials were getting a little tired of my being able to talk their own language and to write letters in the same vein as they could write , they were n't used to this , and , at any rate , as I said earlier we got here .
15 Children were n't allowed to share the adult world to the same degree as they do now .
16 It behoves all who wish journalists and broadcasters to enjoy " rights " to acknowledge that others have valid claims to legal protection as well — to lead a private life , to undergo a trial free from sensational prejudice , and to have false accusations corrected with the same prominence as they are made .
17 If they had polled the same plurality as they commanded in 1987 , there would have been no overall party majority .
18 Will he confim that if unemployment figures were counted today on the same basis as they were in 1979 employment Ministers would be forced to stand at the Dispatch Box and admit that the number of economically active people who are unemployed in Great Britain today is 3.75 million ?
19 During my youth , women did n't have the same expectations as they do today , nor were there methods for not having children .
20 The car drew up alongside them , McLeish having known them as policemen by the same process as they had recognized him .
21 But our department has n't changed , the women are just doing the same job as they did sixty
22 It is not difficult to imagine the exercise of these powers in the inner city areas of Britain producing the same reaction as they provoke in the riot-tom areas of Belfast and Derry .
23 That had all been an act , partly to lull the Men into trusting him but also , Creggan now realized , to hide the same feelings as they all had in captivity : a game to while away the endless waiting .
24 ‘ It would be nice if Intel put some stakes in the ground for software developers , ’ one former i860 ISV commented , ‘ otherwise they [ Intel ] will have the same problems as they had with the i860 . ’
25 Some of them were politer than others , but they tended to ask the same questions as they trampled through the house .
26 But , on the same evidence as they had , the Home Secretary had reached a different view quite lawfully .
27 Although the monastic reformers of the twelfth century frowned on the practice of placing children in monasteries , and the Cistercians forbade it , we may be sure that throughout the Middle Ages many nuns were dedicated to religion by the same procedure as they would have been dedicated to husbands — by parental fiat .
28 and the and the same day as they buried Mr .
29 My only reservation is that the public who use the stand will not be able to see the racing in the same manner as they did from the old open top affairs .
30 Economists have considered public organizations , or bureaus , in the same manner as they consider firms , posing questions about the determinants of the bureau 's size and about its maximizing activities .
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