Example sentences of "need [to-vb] be the " in BNC.

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1 We do the first bit who needs to be trained what do they need to know is the second
2 Also , at the end of the day it is arguable that all that the register needs to show are the principal charges over the company 's property since anyone dealing with the company can seek to find out the full extent to which the company 's property has been charged once put on notice that some charges have been created .
3 The real point that one needs to note is the increase in capital investment in plant and machinery under this Government — It is no good hon. Members shaking their heads .
4 The point was made that jobs ‘ promoted ’ were not a true count of REAL jobs ; what we needed to know was the true job completion rate effected for what length of time — actual jobs and how long they lasted .
5 His brass-faced clocks had only one hand and a calendar because , in the years before bus and train timetables and television programme times , all the Dalesmen needed to know was the hour and the day .
6 It has been assumed that all we needed to know was the effects of the variable rhythms of the language on the regularity of metre .
7 I was told that all I needed to know was the total spend and that was it .
8 With a practice partner all you need to know is the key word chosen .
9 In such cases what we need to discover is the most specific head all of whose incompatibles are xenonyms — that is , a head such that , for any hyponym , at least one incompatible can be found which is also a philonym of the modifier .
10 What you need to do is the exact opposite : set yourself targets that you can reasonably expect to achieve .
11 Nursing care based upon the nursing process is being widely implemented in the United Kingdom , and one of the main skills that nurses need to develop is the ability to be able to communicate effectively with the patient and his family , in order to be able to define the patient 's problems .
12 The apparent increase from 300 to 400 is 30% but what we actually need to measure is the increase in dots per square inch and this increases by 84% .
13 On the rare occasion where we need the additional quality of typesetting the only thing we need to take are the disks .
14 And if I may just , that 's the last thing I need to say is the Christmas Fair dates somehow were muddled up and somebody put the wrong dates to the day , it 's Wednesday the sixteenth and Thursday the seventeenth .
15 Erm all we need to say is the sun is n't still , what can we say .
16 At present what we need to note is the recognition of the validity of a description in its own terms does not commit us to acknowledge its pedagogic relevance in principle .
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