Example sentences of "leave her [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The green at the 14th is so severely sloped that he knew he would need to leave her below the flag , and did so ‘ by about two light-years ’ .
2 Mr Sunderland himself had driven her home in his car , and she had begged him to leave her at the gate so as not to alarm her family .
3 Unable to find anyone to care for Beru while they were in hospital , they asked a tradesman to leave her in the mountains ‘ to die naturally ’ .
4 Other stories about Dic , Little Dick the Carpenter — how he never got to a rugby match because there were too many pubs on the way , how he was burnt all over in a pit explosion , wrapped in bandages so that only his eyes and nostrils showed through — and bathed slowly back to health by his daughters who poured olive oil over him all the time , how he took his daughter Cecilia ( Cis ) to eisteddfods because he loved to hear her sing but how she pleaded with him ‘ not to stop anywhere and not to leave her in the hall ’ .
5 The male did not bother her at all after spawning , so I was able to leave her in the Mbuna colony until she was ‘ near term ’ — and all the fry were this time normal — all 120+ of them .
6 ‘ Of course nothing can be formally arranged just at this present , ’ went on Miss Merchiston , and Theda almost laughed out to see the burgeoning hope in the poor man 's face , ‘ for with dear Mama in this sad condition , I could not reconcile it with my conscience to leave her in the care of other hands .
7 Only when it became totally apparent that she would never reform and was bent on self-destruction for both of them did he leave her for the younger and more stable Lauren Bacall .
8 Let us leave her for the moment and go back to Matilda and her first day in Miss Honey 's class .
9 As she is only three you will need a lot of patience and persistence to get the message across , but do keep trying , otherwise her bossiness could leave her on the wrong side of the fence from her friends .
10 But he could n't just leave her at the station .
11 He was pessimistic about Britain 's economic prospects and felt that a free-trade policy would leave her at the mercy of economic storms like that of 1931 .
12 I would n't leave her in the lurch .
13 I ca n't leave her in the lurch . ’
14 no , no , they leave her in the home
15 If you go out and switch her light off and leave her in the room .
16 Her common-law husband ( who was never traced ) having left her with the ring from her finger , she went to several alehouses carrying her child and drank 8 glasses of spirits in a fit of depression .
17 When he 'd left her at the entrance to Newcastle Place the day Pa died she 'd ached with disappointment that she might never see him again .
18 To lose her now was going to be ten times worse than when she had left her at the Foundling Hospital , and she was making herself ill with worry .
19 Often , after he had left her at the door of her apartment , he would ridicule himself An old man with a Pygmalion fantasy .
20 He 'd left her at the inn without so much as a word , and here he was , calmly indulging his hobby while she 'd had to trek after him .
21 who 'd left her in the lurch
22 She could n't have left her in the house .
23 The dual Oaks runner-up is not at her best on soft ground and trainer Michael Kauntze has left her in the Prix Vermeille at Longchamp on Sunday .
24 he 's left her in the car .
25 We 'd left her in the car actually .
26 He left her on the hard shoulder , near Epping , Essex , saying she would only have to wait 15 minutes .
27 She said that she had ‘ accidentally brushed against one of the four girls who were standing on the pavement ’ , whereupon ‘ all four caught hold of her , and beat her in a most savage manner , using fearful language ’ and left her on the pound bleeding profusely from the nose and mouth .
28 But the door closed quietly and he left her on the dark , unfamiliar landing , crying , just like a baby .
29 As she prepares to go for gold at the World Cross Country Championships in the Spanish seaside town of Amorebieta , the South African could not help sadly recalling the drama surrounding the 1988 event which left her on the verge of a nervous breakdown .
30 The bleeding persisted and Jean was very weak when Jim left her at the maternity ward .
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